View Full Version : The Story Of Flipper

08-22-2010, 04:53 PM
Once upon a time in a muskie 'Designer Spot',there lived a handsome devil of a muskie named 'Flipper'.Then the spot was discovered by a handsome devil of a human named 'Dpear' and two sub humans with the initials 'FW' and 'BM'.
Every time they went there FW and/or BM would leave red or blue tinsel in a monsters mouth but never catch a thing.Finally it was decided the spot would forever bear the name of the first person to catch a fish there.At that point,the handsome guy(Dpear)pulled out 'Toppie' and accepted the challenge.
Well Flipper fell for Toppie of course and well,lets just say the spot is now named after that handsome devil,Dpear!!!:)
Of course FW and BM now ridicule Flipper and make comments like..."Flipper is either 42 inches or 48 inches,depends on which lip you measure from" etc,etc, but the fact remains Flipper is a beauty and was caught by a beauty.AND there you have the full story folks-behold 'Flipper'!!!!

Frank Walsh
08-22-2010, 07:11 PM
Chasing parked Rangers?????

08-22-2010, 07:37 PM
Mr Pearson,

I have to be brutally honest... that is one UGLY fish. No offensee. I understand you are comparing yourself to "flipper" but my brutal honestly is ONLY aimed at the frickin' ugly fish that you refer to as a muskie.


08-22-2010, 07:44 PM
Also... I am confident that is not "Toppie". Not that I have personally seen Toppie up close (in a tree), but that Raider has too much paint on the tail. Very enrvironmentally friendly... I am sure you did not want to infect Toppie and pass on the "flipper" disease to other real muskies.

08-22-2010, 08:14 PM
I'm shocked by your lack of taste or appreciation of true beauty.People the world over love all Flippers.
Try this:

This was truly the beautiful Dolphin of Lake Of The Woods!

Frank Walsh
08-22-2010, 09:36 PM
You failed to mention the new name of the spot:


08-23-2010, 09:21 AM
Obviously this board lacks people with an appreciation of true beauty.Nevertheless,I'm pleased to announce that negotiations with Navionics have been completed and for a reasonable sum I've agreed future chips can now call the Designer Spot 'Dicks Place'.Sweet.
Negotiations with Lakemaster and Canadian Hydrographic are still ongoing.

08-23-2010, 11:59 AM
interestingly enough, one of the dolphins that played "Flipper" on TV was actually named "Clown"...and another of the dolphins that played him commited suicide.

so what we have here is actually a clownfish attempting suicide-by-Toppie?
you would too if you looked like that!

Frank Walsh
08-23-2010, 02:45 PM
What irony that the hunter, and hunted, would share the same nickname........ Males one wonder???

08-23-2010, 06:46 PM
Sticks and stones.......
Oh well,at least I'll be forever immortalized.Oak Island,McPherson Island,Flag Island,Dick's Place,Foul Dangeroux,Lily Island,Royal Island,Dick's Place,Twin Islands....you know what I mean.

08-25-2010, 10:02 AM
Take a good hard look at how the retard was hooked. It is true I left a little tinsel in this morfadites lower lip. Being the guy that caught the second ( normal) looking muskie, and actually hooked it in the lip. which it had, was short changed. I didnt snag my muskie in the side of the face like flipper was caught. In true perfect muskie form caught on a figure 8 performed to perfection my muskie was caught. (Not Snagged). If you look at the reg's the state doesnt even recongnize a foul hooked fish. I think we need to have a new ruling on this. Not just a dicky ruling!

08-25-2010, 10:29 AM
Yeh,yeh,yeh,same old griping and whimpering.Look at the pics folks-note the first one where the release tool is holding the front treble which had just been removed squarely from this gorgeous fish's mouth.Why else grab the treble?
I've heard all these protests before by the losers of the challenge-they even claimed the reason they lost this fish and about 4 other true monsters is that the fish there didn't have teeth.Hardly,this beauty had at least 2 that I could see.Morever,if you were gonna 'false teeth' or 'gum' a bait,wouldn't it be easier to 'gum' tinsel on big Cowgirls rather then glom onto hard plastic?
Sore losers who just want a cut of my Navionics and other royalties.Sad.
Whats so funny is that they even laughed when I pulled out 'Toppie'.HA,Ha,HA!!!!!!!Bet they'll never do that again and,by the way Bret,how many casts with the gummy Cowgirl did you make to the EXACT spot before this very discerning,intelligent and good looking fish went for Toppie?Come on,Fess up now.
Nope you guys know you had a minimum of 10 casts to the precise spot trying to catch anything before Toppie even got wet.Very sad deal.

08-25-2010, 02:07 PM
Im not remembering to much about the nite the retard was caught. We need to look at the hard evidence and go with that.

08-25-2010, 05:30 PM
For the record,in addition to the numerous teeth evident in Flippers pics,his dental records confirm he has a good grip on things.
Also,major newspapers throughout Canada announced today that Canadian Hydrographic was changing the name of that complex to 'Dicks' Place'.That should conclude this matter.

08-25-2010, 08:41 PM
You guys are starting to worry me... have you been drinking too much "bloom" water? I hope you don't look like Flipper next summer. Obviously too many contaminants in the LOTW water?!?!

08-30-2010, 08:25 AM
Here is a pic of our largest snubby....44 lower lip

08-30-2010, 08:41 PM
Very good lookin fish!Congrats.

09-01-2010, 12:34 PM
I caught a snubbie once too!

09-01-2010, 01:43 PM
Another beauty!This one on steroids.

Mr Musky
09-02-2010, 09:55 PM
Jason, it looks like you obese snubby is blind in that right eye! Nice fish!

Frank Walsh
09-03-2010, 06:32 AM
Yeah.....The Ray Charles of muskies.

09-03-2010, 07:53 AM
What a bunch of beauties here!Thanks to all that contributed their photos of their 'trophies of a lifetime'.I just don't get how anyone could call these ugly!
By the way,here's another proud fisherperson with another beauty.A great pic and it graphically and justifiably shows just how happy and proud he is off his fish.Congrats to Jeff!!!

Wait,isn't Jeff the one who called my fish ugly???Oh my gosh,I bet I wasn't supposed to get or post this pic.Oh my gosh,now what?Oh my gosh,its too late-sorry Jeff if this wasn't supposed to appear here.Oh my gosh.

Frank Walsh
09-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Good news is that you can see where they are fishing on the GPS, and stay away from there!

09-03-2010, 09:37 AM
Geez guys, quit dipping your hooks in the nuclear waist. Good news is, I can honestly say I've never caught a snubby. Bad news is, I'm actually thinking about trying . But the best news of all is, I'll be doing it tomorrow. See you in 24 guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todd Forcier
09-03-2010, 10:19 PM
Mr. Pearson, let me introduce you to my first snub noise...Mr. Stubby. :D

09-04-2010, 11:30 AM
Todd I've caught quite a few but it would be hard to find one more handsome than that.Congrats!

09-07-2010, 10:13 AM
Many years ago, we had been fishing Sabaskong, but we started hearing more and more about things about the Angle. Famous guides were there, Doug Johnson, Bill Sandy, Frank Walsh, etc. Fish stories were flying on the internet. And on one Saturday afternoon at the Chicago Musky Show we met him, a legend, a guy who might possibly, one day, have a spot named after him. After his presentation we discussed fishing in the Angle, he mentioned he was retiring and was ready to start guiding, his life long dream to share his affliction with the masses. We booked him immediately for 2 days in the Angle.

July came and we met him at the dock, here he was in his brand new shiny Ranger 619. We set off knowing that we were in for a great day. The passion of this man was effervescent, the excitement bubbled over at every spot. Words like “Evil things happen here” and “if you only knew the stories about this area”. We were in awe, the anticipation at every spot was almost too much too take.

Then we pulled up to that fateful shore line, the one that will be eternally chiseled into my memory. The sun was on the other side of land and we were casting into the long morning shadows. The highly paid guide (in the front of the boat), pointed out a large boulder to me. My surface bait hit the water within inches of it. I think I remember him saying “I am almost sure that one won’t make it home.” Seconds later a wall of water was trailing my bait. A steady reel and then some weight on the line, a heavy hookset and my life changed forever.

I can’t tell you the amount of joy that engulfed the boat after the perfect net job. He had done it; he was finally able to allow others, luckily me, to share in his lust. I think I might have even seen a tear in the eye of the guide, the man upon a successful release. Maybe she wasn’t the biggest but certainly the most beautiful, there will never be another like your first. After your first you will never stop the chase. No other guide and no amount of money could have done it. I am proud to tell you the story of the fish and the man who introduced me to her, my first snubby.

09-07-2010, 10:50 AM
Oh boy.
Great memories.
Yes,a handsome fish indeed.
The guide?Not so much.
Effervescense?Not so much anymore either.
Also,did you photoshop this?I ask cause I don't remember having dark hair.
Finally,a little nostalgia,your group of 4 became and remain friends and few have gone on to conquer(and cherish) the 'Angle' like you guys.

09-17-2010, 05:08 PM
Hey man...what kind of fish is that?
I'm a Dorkfish! He caught me on a corndog!


09-18-2010, 05:42 PM
One could argue in some cases(mine?)the fish caught the dork.I love corndogs also.