View Full Version : September 7th -9th report

Ty Sennett
09-10-2010, 07:19 AM
Brad Hoppe came over to do some filming with me the last few days. We had some terrible weather to catch fish but we managed some smaller ones. We caught four and lost two others. All were between 32 and 38 inches. We saw two mid forty inch fish but didn't get them to hit. Actually one looked like it grabbed the Cowgirl but no such luck. We had some other follows from upper thirty inch fish but couldn't get them to go. we caught the fish fish on Cowgirls, a Suick, and a Creeptonite.

I forgot to post that I caught a 42 incher a couple days before filming with Brad.

Water temps were in the mid 60's

09-13-2010, 06:01 AM
I was up there and fished the 8th and 9th. Saw two followers on the Cedar Tops, both on black/green ghosttails, no real size to them. Saw one follower on Chief, undetermined size ( a quick flash at a Suick ).

Caught a 36 inch Pike on a black Suick on Chief. Put the fish in the net and it did a gator roll in the net, tangled up everything and tore the rear trebel out of the wood on the bait. Durn pike. Ruined a perfectly good bait, unless I can put a cotter pin or something in the bait to hold the treble, which I'm not real thrilled to do. Guess I'll retire the bait. We ate the pike, tasted fabulous !

My depth finder said the water temps were about 66 degrees and the air temp was about 58. 34 degrees first thing Thurs morning. Burr. I did not hit the lake real early that day. However, it did warm nicely later in the day.

Ty Sennett
09-13-2010, 06:17 AM
I didn't see you out there Robert. We definitely have to get out on the water. My schedule has been a little crazy this year but it's not the same without a day or two with you. I'll try to call you tomorrow.