View Full Version : Finally Found the Big Walleye Picture

Red Childress
09-10-2010, 12:49 PM
After searching for several years, I finally found these pics. Kevin was one of my first repeat clients and on this particular trip, he was looking for a citation brown trout.......instead he managed to catch 2 walleye that were at least 22 pounds combined in the first 1.5 hours of our trip. These fish were caught in October 2000 (before I owned a digital camera so excuse the crappy photos). The 34 inch fish was very solid and had not even began showing eggs or increased fat storage....she weighted 13.4 pounds and was weighed on my non-certified scale.....The smaller fish weighed 9.2 on the same scale. Both fish ate a 3 to 4-inch live Darters. We never did get the citation brown that day.

I will have the larger images posted on my "recent catches" page very soon.

One can only speculate what the larger fish weighed a few months later.

Red Childress
09-12-2010, 06:17 PM
I just figured out that you can double click on the photo a time or two until the magnifying glass appears as your cursor.......then you can blow up any photo on the message board.

Just passing it along in case ya'll did not know.

09-12-2010, 08:45 PM
I haven't been able to open up any pictures since you posted the walleye pics. i can see the thumbnails, but they will not open. Tried on 3 different computers, but no luck. I even went back to the Vermillion thread to try to open up that picture, but had the same result.

Anybody else not able to open them or just me?

09-13-2010, 12:22 AM
Click on the thumbnail then when its loading click on it again. It will come up and you can enlarge. Took me a few tries to figure it out. Now if I only could figure out how to catch em..

09-13-2010, 05:25 AM
Thanks... it worked.

Red Childress
09-14-2010, 07:04 AM
I have had a few emails regarding if those walleye were released or not.....yes, both were released.

I may as well explain the entire story now.......My client (Kevin) also sent the pictures/dimensions to Walleye Insider magazine and it was listed as the largest (heaviest) walleye released in our region for 2000. The region includes: Minnesota to Maine and as far South as Kentucky.....a pretty decent walleye region. I think Walleye Insider ceased circulation sometime in 2008 or 09, btw.

There have been several 12+ pound Allegheny River walleye caught that I have heard about over the years with the heaviest being a 16+ pounder (16.9 if I am not mistaken) caught 7-9 years ago by a former student from Warren.

09-14-2010, 12:35 PM
Very impressive fish for sure. Are they river fish ?

Red Childress
09-14-2010, 12:38 PM
Yes, from the river.

09-14-2010, 10:01 PM
allegheny river april 2009 32.5" long / 18" girth / almost 13 pounds.