View Full Version : September 10th -12th report

Ty Sennett
09-13-2010, 06:27 AM
I went up to the St. Louis River over the weekend and fished the PMTT event there. We fished for about three hours on Friday to try and figure out some spots to fish. We saw two on Pacemakers and one on a Cowgirl. On the first day of the tourney we caught a 50 incher in the morning and saw two others. On day two we didn't see anything at all. The wind switch totally messed our game plan up and we tried to learn some spots as we went on with the day. I should have prefished more but guiding is more important. We ended up with 11th place. Pretty crazy that a 50 inch fish gets you 11th. There were a lot of fish caught of all sizes. After it's all said and done I would say I absolutely hate that river more than any body of water that I've ever fished with the exception of Detroit River. There's just nothing appealing about it other than the fish. We basically just fished for big fish by burning Supermodels. It worked but we didn't count on some teams catching 5 fish. Oh well, as little as I knew about that place I didn't expect to win.

Bob McGarry
09-13-2010, 11:16 AM
Hello Ty

Just read your report on the St Louis River. Could you just give me a general idea of where you were at? Wisconsin or MN. Just general location. And a guide recommendation



Dan Hardy
09-13-2010, 11:35 AM
Check out these guys.


Gillespie fishes with them and they seem to be pretty intense guys.

Also, Tanner Wildes, who runs a report Hayward/Winter area also fishes St. Louis river area. www.tannerwildes.com

Ty Sennett
09-14-2010, 07:45 AM
I don't know the names of any spots so I couldn't tell you where we were. We were near some steel mills, gravel sites, iron ore plants, big ships, and lots of seagulls and smelly air. Pretty sure that doesn't help. We were by the bong bridge I think. Not sure if it's called that or not. Not sure why anyone would fish there other than to get a quick muskie fix and go back to a lake that's enjoyable to fish.

09-14-2010, 11:34 PM
I'm laughing at Ty's comments. It's a little more scenic upriver. And people wondered why I went on vacation to the Chip! Gotta get away from the crazy fast and big boats, noisy airports, and the insane weather.