View Full Version : Surface Baits

09-20-2010, 01:20 PM
I had some action using surface baits over the weekend. Ended up with nothing in the net but seeing fish blow up and fly out of the water after them was an absolute trip. Being that I haven't used surface baits much, I have a couple of questions for you guys:

1) What kind of boatside actions do you use. Do you keep them on the surface and do a figure-8 or rip them underwater for the 8.

2) Do you use that same technique with both Jackpot(walk the dog) style and Top raider (prop) style??

Red Childress
09-20-2010, 02:06 PM
Submerging (any type of surface bait) them on the 8 is very effective and will likely prevent the fish from spooking off.

09-20-2010, 03:12 PM
Cool, thanks Red. Thats what I have been doing so far but I got to thinkin over the weekend if that was the best thing. All the fish that blew up on the baits did so 10'+ away from the boat, I didn't see a single follow with them.

And boy I have some learning to do to be patient enough to wait long enough to feel the fish before settin the hook. I'm telling you, all that trout fishing with the fly has tortured a lot of the reflexes I need for this Musky stuff. LMAO No matter what, it was a real treat to get some surface action. Back when I was a Bass man, I fished as much as I could with surface baits.

09-20-2010, 06:42 PM
Check out this video about walk-the-dog baits. It's the seconnd one down. The other videos are great too.


09-20-2010, 08:15 PM
Great videos!! Man, thats got me even more fired up to get the surface baits going. Thats why I love chasin Musky. Even every different bait requires learning and experimentation. I can't get enough. I had thrown topwaters a few times over the last couple of years with absolutely NO action. All of a sudden, its all they wanted. AWESOME!!

09-21-2010, 07:59 AM
Topwater is the best. If you want the best topwater lures go with Lee Lures. Lee Tauchen (the guy from that video) makes his own and they are awesome. In my opinion, they are the nicest looking on the market and they work the best. He's a great guy too.


09-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Jay, if you like topwater action you should try the west branch of the susquahanna in the summer. Tail rotating baits like the topraider have been my #1 producer during this time period.

09-21-2010, 10:43 AM
I just ordered a couple of the Fish Stick baits. I figure when I'm not tossin flies, I'll throw some topwater baits. This should work out while I fish with my brother too since he mainly throws bucktails.

I've only been on the West Branch once so far and it was in the middle of a monsoon. I need to get back up there and try to track down some fish.

09-21-2010, 12:29 PM
No need to track them down. Look for submerged wood, the bottom side of islands, and creek mouths. If you can find all three of these in one spot you just found the jackpot. I've never done well on the west branch in heavy rain, or a monsoon as you called it. However, if it is overcast and drizzling I almost expect to have a multiple fish day on topwater.

09-22-2010, 05:49 PM
Glad to hear you got some Fish Sticks. You won't be disappointed. Water Choppers (tailbaits) and Top H2Os (creeper style) are great too. All have produced this for me this year.

09-22-2010, 07:07 PM
Oh man, I'm all kinds of fired up to give em a try this weekend. If everything goes as planned, I should have 3-4 days of fishing startin on Saturday. I'll be in NY for a couple of days and then back to PA to chase some Tigers. Man, I have a feeling these topwater baits might have been the ticket a couple of weekends ago since those Tigers were hangin so shallow. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

By the way, I went with a Black Holo and a fire belly pattern. I initially wanted to get the black with the firehead but it was out of stock and I'm impatient!! LOL

09-23-2010, 07:56 AM
I've never used the firebelly, but I have done well with the black holo. The black/orange flame head is great for seeing the lure. They don't last long when he gets them in. I'm going to try the Water Chopper with the chartreuse flame head next year.

Supposedly tigers don't bite topwaters. That is one of those myths I was talking about. Tigers are supposed to be more aggressive than pures, but they won't bite the most aggressive lure. I have caught tigers on topwaters in the past. Most were on spro frogs in Canada when they had moved into 1-3 feet of water and nothing else would work. I still think tigers would eat topwaters any time, but I don't have much confidence in it since everyone has told me of the myth. Whenever I'm at a seminar I ask if tigers eat topwaters and they always seem to say "no, but you might as well try." I don't want to discourage you, that's just the experience I've had with them. If you use them enough, you're going to catch one.

The other thing is that tigers supposedly don't bite at night, and some people have told me they don't bite early in the morning and in the evening. Majority of the tigers I have caught or had bite were early in the morning. All well before 8:00. This year, my dad boated 3 or 4 in the evening. I have never tried night fishing, but I was given the same "might as well try" for that question too.