View Full Version : Murph

09-21-2010, 09:10 AM
Was just informed that Murph has some business to attend to in Chicago this weekend for his birthday? I had my Italian suit designer working up something special for him, Ray had a new pimp cup being designed by Jacob so he doesn't have to drink out of that damn bowl on the ground?!?!? Have to say Ty, I am kind of disappointed! Then I get a text from Murph saying Rachel is going with him as well!??!?! Seems like Chicago is the place to be. Anyway, I am thinking we should get a discount on the weekend to ease our pain. Or instead of a discount you can guide out of Ray's boat on Sunday and Monday and we will take yours... I think that would make the sadness go away.

See ya soon my man, and save a freaking tiger for me!!!!


09-21-2010, 09:17 AM
Good luck to you guys this weekend. I would guess there would be some good stories after the weekend hearing about Fidle and Razor fishing.

Ty Sennett
09-22-2010, 08:21 AM
I convinced Rachel that Murphy needed some guy time so we will have our good luck charm with us for the weekend. She said to take good care of him so it looks like Murphy goes to the bars with us. See you in two days,

Ty Sennett
09-22-2010, 08:39 AM
Fidler, I like how in the video Ray's fish takes the back seat to Murphy. It looks like you were shooting a video clip of Murphy and Ray just happened to catch a fish.

09-22-2010, 01:59 PM
Ha! How does he not steal the show everytime!?! Just look how awesome he is. I like how he sits perfectly still like he was born to pose for pics. Do you know how mad Razor is going to be when I tell him I am shooting video of his first Tiger ever and then basically the whole video is of Murph again! We are pumped to hear he is going. I just hope he likes his barrage of birthday gifts we have in store for him!

Ray Perry
09-23-2010, 06:45 AM
I can't help that I catch so many fish that it just becomes second fiddle to other things around. Heck I once had a fish on and Fidler was to busy trying to catch a butterfly with the musky net to net the fish.
