View Full Version : Tomorrow

Ray Perry
09-23-2010, 06:35 AM

Ty, thought this song would be appropriate for today. As you can tell can't wait. We will be staying at the campground again unless we get washed away. You may want to give us a call before heading out just to see where we are at.

Can't believe Rachel is ditching us this year to see her new nephew. Doesn't she know that all new born babies are goofy looking. For heaven sakes my sister has three kids and all looked goofy when they were first born. The first one looked like a lawn gnomb, the second looked like a creepy old man, and the third one still looks like an orangutan. Don't get me wrong I love kids, just think they are goofy looking as babies. I'm sure she will have a good time down there. Rachel have a safe trip down to the windy city.

Ty see you tomorrow,