View Full Version : nice musky.....

09-25-2010, 04:19 PM
fishing the state tournament and landed this girl about 9am 43" 25pds. glad to say the fish made the trip to the scales and was doing very well when I left

09-25-2010, 05:04 PM
Nice one... Timing is everything! :)

09-26-2010, 09:00 PM
I went back down to tidioute around 6 to watch weigh ins I brought in the only the only musky, and before they released the fish the wanted a few pictures of me with the fish and releasing it my previous measurment was wrong the fish was 45 almost 46, and was doing extremely well, it's one thing to grab on to a musky that just put up a fight but she had been resting all day in the tank and was a handful! she was released soon after and took off with strength to spare.unfortunately I didn't do that great sunday boated 12 fish but only two keepers which were both 3pd smallies. Another lunge was brought in for sunday 45" 23 pds. she wasn't doing good in the tank the fish was released and my friend called me and said she was goin belly up, so I went down to the river and spent a good 30 45 minutes with it, she wasn't in good shape did all I could to save the fish when I let her go it was 50/50 nothing more I could do, guess thats the price of tournament fishing..... but while I was fishing for sunday I watched a guy fishing for bass fight in a beautiful musky that grabbed his smallie, fought it for at least 10 minutes before it let the bass go and in a matter of a second it let the fish go the bass came unhooked and as soon as the bass hit the water that lunge turned and smashed it and took it to the depths with it. It was quite the show!

Red Childress
09-27-2010, 07:07 AM
That must have been Joe's musky that was not doing very well. Kudos to you Josh for trying to get her released healthy.

09-27-2010, 08:05 AM
yea it was his fish, hopefully it makes it