View Full Version : September 24th and 25th report

Ty Sennett
09-26-2010, 08:10 AM
Finally able to get on the computer this morning. I had Ray Perry and Fidler out the last two days. I had a blast with those two knuckleheads. We didn't catch much bet we had our chances. On the 24th we found one area that had quite a few fish. We had 7 fish either follow or hit on one spot. We caught one in a figure eight on a Cowgirl and lost one in a figure eight on a Cowgirl. We also had something really cool happen. When Fidler had one follow his Cowgirl in Ray was reeling his pacemaker in and the fish went around in a figure eight on the Cowgirl and then turned and went around on the Pacemaker and ate the bait. We missed that one also. That one was one of the bigger fish we saw. Looked to be mid forty inch. We had two others the same size go after Pacemakers. We only saw one other fish outside of that spot. Funny thing was we went back yesterday to that spot and nothing. That's fishing for ya.

Yesterday was a tougher day. I kind of figured it was going to be rough with the high sky, no wind and cold. After four straight days of wind and rain I figured we better drag some suckers around with us. We had two hit suckers and two follow the suckers around. We also had two follow Cowgirls. We were trying some new quick set rigs and figured out the hard way that they didn't work. Ray with his massive arm strength straightened out the hooks pretty easy on the first one and Fidler didn't set very hard on the second because of the weak hooks and we lost that one also. We'll do better today. Made up some better ones last night.

We had a blast the last two days. I always look forward to fishing with those two. Entertaining to say the least and great fishermen. Makes you really appreciate being a guide. Thanks guys.

Ray Perry
09-30-2010, 07:04 AM
Ty thanks again for a great time up there. It's always a blast on the chip and can't wait to do it again next year. So if you can please book us for September 23rd and 24th again next year.

If you are interested in any more of the Pflueger Triton reels I have 3 more. Just let me know.

Ray Perry

Ray Perry
10-01-2010, 08:26 PM
Sorry I meant to say Pflueger trion reels.

Ty Sennett
10-02-2010, 06:52 AM
I'm interested in any of the products you have to offer Ray. I'll take your high School letterman's jacket if you still have it. By the way, my mom really liked the dog tag you got for Murphy. Thanks again and I'll put you two down for next year.