View Full Version : Heartbreak on the fly...

09-29-2010, 11:50 AM
I had a nice fish follow a fly to the boat and disappeared after a couple of Figure-8's. I cast right back to the exact same spot and sure enough, the fish is hot on the fly again. I go into the 8 and it takes a swipe at it on about the 3rd turn. I tried to set the hook but the fly came completely out of the water, fish still there. I plunged the fly back under and back into the 8. That fish was right back on it. I saw gills flare and I set the hook again. Fish on!!! This could be my first on an 8 with the flyrod. Then I realized that my metal leader connection was stuck on the last eye of the rod!! I pulled to keep the fish away from the trolling motor while trying to get the leader free. Had the fish on for a few more seconds and it took one hell of a run directly under the boat, leader still stuck. I thought for sure the rod was gonna break in two. Unfortunately, the fish came off under the boat!! :(

Not long after that, I had a BEAST follow but I got too fired up about it and spooked her at boatside. These damn fish are gonna put me in the asylum before too long. We did end up puttin a couple of smaller fish in the net. I just can't seem to net the bigger fish this year. Oh well, still havin one heck of a good time.

Red Childress
09-29-2010, 01:17 PM
Tuff one Jay but at least you are having the opportunity to put the hooks in some muskies.

Maybe start a MA (Muskies Annonymous) support group on your own? You might have a full room pretty quickly. :)

09-29-2010, 01:52 PM
It was a tough one. I'll be seein that one in my dreams for a while. That was my first Figure-8 attack on the fly, so it was a great learning experience. I feel much more confident about being able to set a hook at boatside with the Flyrod now. And maybe one of these days I'll not have a nervous breakdown when that tanker shows up and spook it.

LOL I like the idea of MA. The problem is that the only treatment I can think of is gettin right back on the water and goin at em. All I gotta do now is figure out how to send my clone to work so I can get the fishin time in that I need.

09-29-2010, 07:32 PM
It was a tough one. I'll be seein that one in my dreams for a while. That was my first Figure-8 attack on the fly, so it was a great learning experience. I feel much more confident about being able to set a hook at boatside with the Flyrod now. And maybe one of these days I'll not have a nervous breakdown when that tanker shows up and spook it.

LOL I like the idea of MA. The problem is that the only treatment I can think of is gettin right back on the water and goin at em. All I gotta do now is figure out how to send my clone to work so I can get the fishin time in that I need.

No the only treatment would be to fish for bluegill with an old cane pole and worms until you realized that musky fishing isn't really as crazy a calling as we think it is...a clone?? ONE of you is enough thanks!! I don't know if I could take waiting a month for a return call from TWO of you!

09-29-2010, 09:40 PM
LMFAO If I had a clone, I could at least cut that time down to about 15 days or so!! And knowin my luck as of late, a Musky would come up and trash the first bluegill that I hooked on that cane pole. Then I'd just start the whole damn cycle all over again. LOL