View Full Version : Raystown Stripers

10-06-2010, 09:43 PM
Yep, I said Stripers and not Musky. LOL Just curious if anyone has hit the lake up for Stripers. I'm headin there for a couple of days toward the end of the month and was wondering if anyone had any info/advice. I have 2 fish left on my "to do" list. One is a Striper and the other a Peacock Bass. With a little luck I can get one crossed off.

We plan to spend one of those days lookin for Musky too, but Stripers are the main attraction for this trip. I'm not really interested in the trolling with live bait kind of setup. I'd prefer a shot with the flyrod but will be throwin conventional gear most of the time unless a good situation arises.


10-07-2010, 11:29 AM
A guy I know was telling me about fishing there and doing good years ago.

After dark was the key from what he said they were in shallow. I don't know squat about them or ever been on the lake. There was many guides with sites for Raystown maybe one of them have some "pros pointers" or a message board with some reports. I did a little research on them when we were going to camp there two years ago so I did find the guides.

For some reason I think spring was the best time??? But, with fall and cooler water maybe they are back in shallower?

Another buddy goes to Maine (ocean) and casts from the shore at a certain time of year??? and catches them until his arms are sore from what he says.
I could get you the scoop on when and where for that one.

10-07-2010, 11:32 AM
Ever see the In-Fisherman fishing a river on Tenn./Ky boarder if I remember right with a guy named Fred.

Like 30-40 pounders, I remember Doug saying during the show that it is so much like muskie fishing.

BIG POWERFUL FISH!!! My favorite kind

Red Childress
10-07-2010, 12:03 PM
I bet it is Fred McClintock.

10-07-2010, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the info. From what I have been reading, late Fall and Spring would be my best chances at Stripers being shallow at Raystown. Since its relatively close to me, I'll give it a shot. That lake is just so damn interesting structure and fish wise. Just sucks that it turns into a freak show as soon as it gets warm.

One of the days that we'll be there will be with someone who knows the lake and Stripers pretty well from what I understand. But I still want a shot at one with a Fly. When I first moved back here a few years back, I e-mailed a few guides at Raystown asking then to take me out after Stripers with the fly and NONE of them were interested. At least I never got any sort of reply.

Yep, I heard they are supposed to be quite powerful too. Thats why that lake is so attractive to have both Musky and Stripers in it. Thats a hell of a combo!!

10-07-2010, 07:40 PM
Pm sent- Just got back from Raystown- I can tell what not to do....

10-21-2010, 08:33 PM
Well, gonna be hittin up Raystown this weekend for Musky and/or Stripers. Should be interesting as I understand there are tournaments on Saturday for Bass AND Stripers going on. Worst case scenario, we should at least see fish caught out of that lake. LMAO

I still have to laugh about the guides in that area. We tried to contact a few to see about a trip and we are basically getting NO responses, nothing. I completely understand if they are booked or whatever, but a reply of some sort would be appreciated. This is my second time (last time) trying to set something up for that lake and getting the same response. Maybe I completely misunderstand what they are trying to accomplish. LOL

Anyhow, before I go off on a rant, we plan to give her hell for a couple of days and see what we end up with.

10-28-2010, 11:41 AM
We ended up landing about 16 Stripers on Monday with a few being in the 20# range. It was a fun trip. We spent some time Saturday and Sunday fishing "likely" Musky spots but didn't see a fish. According to one of the guides, the lake was in the middle of turnover. I'm still thinkin of hittin up the Striper run in the Spring to try and get one on the flyrod. But for now, I have scratched that fish off of my "to do" list. One to go!! :)

10-28-2010, 12:58 PM
That is cool!

What was the method of catching them? Were they very shallow?
Sounds like you did pretty well for the first attempt. Nice job.

10-28-2010, 01:10 PM
Thanks toothy!! Since the lake was still turning over and the water a little warm, they were still deep at the time. We were slow trolling love bait. The guides had us over fish all day.

I also learned a VERY valuable lesson that day. Never, and I mean NEVER power set a hook on a Striper when the reel has been placed in free-spool without you knowing it!! LMAO That made one hell of a mess. I have to hand it to the guide though, he had it fixed back up in no time.