View Full Version : Winds from the East...

10-12-2010, 08:46 PM
Have you guys found winds from the East to really shut the fishing down, or is that mainly just a myth. I'm thinkin of blowin off work on Thursday to fish in the rain and I see they are calling for winds from the East. I haven't really paid much attention to wind direction unless I am getting blown onto the shore, which almost happened a few times. LOL Anyhow, I'm curious to see what you guys thought about it.


10-13-2010, 04:31 AM
Last night we had east wind, sunny skys, and dropping water level on the river, not the best conditions (at least from what magizines say) but i still went out for a bit. I managaed to catch a 36 inch pike (caught this guy now three times in the past two months), then landed another pike 32-33inch range, and had a HUGE walleye (definatly would have challanged my PB) chase but would not eat. I was only out for 1.5 hours last night, all action on a home made big bucktail.

I believe more and more the best time to fish is when you can get out and fish. If you feel like fishing thursday dont let wind stop you (unless its a hurricane) Have fun thats the important part!

Red Childress
10-13-2010, 07:11 AM
Lake Erie can really shut down with an East wind and Chautauqua is not much better. The river fish do not seem to get affected by it too much.

As for windy days, I wish they all were windy days even though it is a real pain with boat positioning. The muskies seem to move when the wind is howling. Of course by the weekend, flat/sunny conditions will prevail once again. :(

10-13-2010, 01:20 PM
Abiut 2 1/2 weeks ago I was on a lake w/east winds and had more than average action. the day was also overcast with rain.

10-13-2010, 04:53 PM
I definitely agree, any chance to get on the water is a great time to be out. Its good to hear about good action too under those conditions. Looks like the wind direction will change during the day anyhow. The plan is to throw on some rain gear and go whip the water into a froth and see what happens. Thanks for the info/advice guys.


10-14-2010, 06:31 PM
I got lucky with the weather AND was able to put a low-mid 30's Tiger in the net today! The rain stopped just as I was puttin the boat in the water and that fish hit within the first hour. It ended up being my favorite kind of day to be on the water. Overcast, cool, and the wind wasn't horrible. Damn fine day!!

Red Childress
10-15-2010, 07:07 AM
Hey Jay,

You were chucking the fly rod I presume??


10-15-2010, 08:00 AM

Thanks. No, this one was not on the flyrod. It actually ended up being on a chatterbait style lure. Its the first toothy critter I've landed on one of those things. I've had a lot of fish follow and swipe at those things but never netted one until yesterday on them. I felt a need to cover a lot of water as fast as possible yesterday, so the flies didn't get used much.
