View Full Version : Rainfall

10-19-2010, 01:42 PM
I was just wondering how the rainfall has been this summer across the region. It's been very dry here with the Yough river being very low and slow most of the summer. Even when it does rain, the USACE cuts the flow out of the lake to conserve water resulting in little increase in flow downstream.

Here is a picture of Jockey Hollow at the Yough Dam that I took on Sunday. The waters edge is usually where I took the picture and the stone cheekwalls are 4-5' below the water.

The longest boat launch in Fayette County...

10-19-2010, 02:35 PM
I hope your good at backing a trailer up, if not you might be there a while! WOW

10-20-2010, 09:51 AM
No kidding!
That is actually the old road leading to a town that was flooded back in 1944 when the dam was built. The PAFBC boat launch is out of the picture to the right, but when the water is drained down this low, guys use the old road to launch their boats.
This time of year you'll see guys walking around the shoreline with handheld GPS marking waypoints for the spring.