View Full Version : Operation Muskie update

10-26-2010, 08:17 AM
Hi Folks!Hope fall fishing is going well for all.
There have been significant changes to the operation of Operation Muskie so thought an update might be of interest.
Here's an organizational chart of sorts.
The new Board of Directors are:Frank Walsh,Laura Walsh,Doug Johnson and Dick Pearson.

New officers are:Richard Pearson President;Frank Walsh Chief of Operations;Laura Walsh VP;Betsy Pearson Secretary and Pam Best Treasurer.

Advisors are:Jim Best,Business/Merchandise;Scott Holden,Legal.

Executive Director:Col.Jeff Weigand

Vet Coordinator:Chris Green

Fund raising & promotion:Mike Winther

Food coordinator/cook:Brett Miller.

Guides:Paul Klein,Norm Wild,Pete Maina,Chad Cain,Ed Spoerl,Jim Best,Chuck Leach,Shannon Green,Randy Meyer and Wendal Webb.

Chief guide:Paul Klein*

*This choice obviously needs an explanation.As many know Doug Johnson has stepped down as a guide and was the former 'chief'.Impossible to replace of course but thankfully he's staying on as a director.
Now to Paul.Looking at the guide list its quickly apparent that skill and personality wise there would be better choices as 'Chief'.Nine in fact.However by choosing him as 'Chief',we hope he will now have no choice except to follow the rules-something he's never done in the past.Should this position fail to change his behavior-particularly keeping his Vets out after dark and violating similar rules-we will try once more to have Dianna,his spouse(she has my sincere sympathy)get him to comply but if that fails,he'll be chief dishwasher instead.

Well thats it.A more efficient,streamlined,organized 'operation'to benefit America's finest.God bless them and good fishing to all!

Todd Forcier
10-26-2010, 04:00 PM
Mr. Pearson, with the looks of your new staff, I think you should take the team and go to the next level. Say public office? Let’s look at the White House in 2012 or so.
With President Pearson and the rest of the team and advisors, this nation would be in good hands.

On a serious note, OM for 2011 will once again be in “great” hands. We wish you luck and will be working hard to make it another great year for our vets!

11-01-2010, 04:53 PM
Excellent update Dick. As far as Paul goes, well - Paul will be Paul ;-) Diana does her best to keep him in line!
We are all honored to be a part of this effort to say Thank You to our Vets.

11-03-2010, 07:43 PM
I Paul Klein (one hand over heart and other hand on bible), do solomnly swear to adhere to the othe of office as the Chief Guide for Operation Muskie. Within this position I will (if I have to) abide by all rules and regs of the position of Operation Muskie Guides and most of all provide a good example to fellow guides. I am also honored to follow Doug Johnson in this position and very much respect to path he has cleared for me. I of course will fill his shoes with my own little tweeks and twists. That being said, dish water hands is a good deterent to keep a guy on the straight and narrow. Besides, I doubt that Diana would help me with the dishes either.

I do hope to pass along many guide qualities that are often over looked, these include but are not limited to: a variety of casting accuracy techniques, various snaged lure retrieval techniques, trading lunch items, early releasing muskies, proper net handling, effective ransome/hostage techniques, and quality toilet paper alternatives...to name a few. Oh yea, time management should be in the mix.

To everyone involved with Operation Muskie; Officers, BOD, Advisors and Operations members, and Guides; what an outstanding cast throughout. From the day three years ago when Frank and Dick asked if I would be interested in being one of the guides for Operation Muskie, I have to constantly pinch myself at how fortunate and honored I am to be involved with this great way of saying THANKS to the troops fighting for our freedom. A great honor that I am still not sure that I am worthy of. Special thanks to all vets past and future for allowing us our freedoms!!!

11-07-2010, 06:15 AM
Klein?Heart?Bible?I can buy the 'solemnly swearing' part cause I've heard him do that but the rest......?????Certainly someone jests in Pauls name.
Nevertheless Frankie,I'd say 'back up' this promise cause I'd hate to loose it.

Ed Spoerl
11-09-2010, 01:28 PM
Looks like a well oiled machine! I can hardly wait for next summer!


11-10-2010, 01:02 PM
The fun never stops with you guys!
Well said Paul! I second your thanks to our Veterans past and future. With tomorrow being Veterans Day, this is a perfect time to thank them.
Looking forward to seeing everyone next summer!