View Full Version : Weather and the Effects on Fishing

Pete Stoltman
10-27-2010, 08:39 AM
WOW! What a wild ride we are experiencing. Historic low pressure, high winds, snowy mix, and who knows what's next. How is this going to affect fishing? Well dang it, I just don't know. Won't find out until it's a bit safer to get out on the water. Right now I suggest stay in the cabin, sharpen hooks, read a book, post on the fish report board or some other worthy activity. It is downright nasty out there and no need to put yourself in harms way while this stuff lasts. HOWEVER, you can bet that as soon as we get through this stretch of junk weather the RFRG staff will be on the job and telling you what we see going on in our neck of the woods. It should be very interesting to see if this weather is the trigger that gets muskies moving in a serious manner. My guess is that it will. Heard from some Green Bay folks yesterday that the stuff that hit there will likely move the muskies out from the flats and into deeper water at least for a while. What's happening where you're at? Keep in touch.

Sid Chigger
10-27-2010, 07:30 PM
Stronger storm than the 1975 Edmond Fitzgerald storm according to the Weather Channel.. I saw you guys had up to 60mph gusts forecast for today - they materialize? Brings a certain "Howlin Wind" song to mind.. :-)

Pete Stoltman
10-27-2010, 08:17 PM
Pretty sure we did hit 60 mph or maybe even more. Lots of power outtages all over the place. Wind slowing down a bit tonight and looks like the worst of it may be over. Time to regroup and get back to fall fishing.

Jim L
10-29-2010, 06:56 AM
The pressure recorded for this storm was 28.20 in Minnesota which broke the all time record. That is similar to pressure recorded inside a type 3 hurricane. Pressure differences are what cause winds. Obviously we didn't have a hurricane but heard from someone that Lake Superior had 26 foot waves. Can anyone verify that? That is insane.

There are still alot of people without power up here. The count was 32,000+ yesterday. Today they are down to 11,000+ as of 6AM. I heard the ManitowisH Waters area is especially bad.

Sid Chigger
10-29-2010, 07:57 AM
26 foot waves! Dang!!

Pete Stoltman
10-29-2010, 08:50 AM
I was told they were getting as high as 8-14 on Green Bay. Lots of water pushed out of the flats and new "beachfront" property. Haven't heard any official statements about that or Superior but I know it was BAD.