View Full Version : what to feed bait.....

10-30-2010, 09:31 AM
I was wondering if any other guys keep bait and what do you feed them I currently have a 20 gallon aquarium that got 10-14 inch suckers and other smaller creek bait but i don't know what is best to feed em I've used bread and crushed dog food but those seem to clog up in the pump and the suckers don't really eat either of em, any suggestions?

10-30-2010, 11:00 AM
My live-bait river fisherman late great uncle always fed his suckers and baitfish our 3rd generation river dough ball recipe. Boil 1/2 cup of water, add splash of vanilla extract, then stir in wheat germ until it's like a dough. Drop a handful of small nuggets into the tank. As it dissolves the creek chub will eat too. Wrap it in wax paper and set it in the fridge to set up for a while.

"just fattening them up for Thanksgiving" he'd always say.

We haul in nice carp, cats, sheep head, and suckers on this stuff when used as bait too.

10-30-2010, 03:36 PM
I herd they will eat any type flake or pellet food. They also eat plants and giving them veggies isn't out of the question as long as they are soft and sink to the bottom. I would not over feed them. I'm thinking they can a go long time with very little food.

10-30-2010, 04:33 PM
I'm not sure about suckers, but I have a couple dozen fatheads in a 42 gal tank. They have been there since early in trout season. All I had to feed them was tropical fish flakes, wow did they go nuts. I started with 2 inch trout and crappie sized minnows and now they are 4 inch fatties. The walleyes should love them, if I can get out.

11-10-2010, 10:11 PM
well they go crazy for the doughball stuff thanks for the recipe, now i'll have to try it on a lazy carp fishing beer drinkin day!

11-11-2010, 07:13 AM
I fish for carp a good bit and use a poultry feed for chum. Fish love it. I dont know if it will give them all the nutrients they need or not though. It is basically small pellets with crushed corn and grains. It sinks. Dont know if it will clog up the pump or not either. 50 pound bag is only $10. I get it at tractor supply. Its called Dumor Poulty Finisher.

Another thing to try may be range cubes. It is a horse feed. They are large pellets. They sink and gradually break down and I wouldnt think they would clog the filter. I think they are around $10 for a 50 pound bag also.

11-11-2010, 12:14 PM
I say feed bait...to the largest musky or other fish you can! ;)