View Full Version : mma meeting 11/1/2010

11-02-2010, 02:51 PM
Last night John Arway (PFBC's head commissioner), A # of PFBC biologists, and one WCO were present @ the MMA meeting.
The most productive part was a discussion possibly linking what seems to be a large decline in muskies to the killing of weeds in the lake to eliminate the invasive weed hydrilla. Sounds like the lake will be surveyed for muskies in the fall.
In 2 weeks three rivers muskies inc will have the Moraine Park manager at their meeting so if you belong to muskies inc please share info from meeting if you attend.

11-04-2010, 08:10 AM
I thought it was a very informative meeting with the Fish and Boat Commission and it gave me a pretty good view of the types of problems they have to work on through-out the state. Mr. Arway brought along Al Woomer and Larry Hines, 2 guys with alot of knowledge of the waters in our area, but stressed the importance of anglers sharing information with them. They make a very good point with the fact that we're on the water more than they are, in more places, and alot of times see things before they do.

To add to muskyjerks post, it seems as if a decline in the overall weed cover (which began approximately 3 years ago) and the approval by the PFBC to the DCNR (who manage the park) to spray for the Hydrilla weed, seem closely related. The PFBC has a habitat management unit that Mr. Arway said can come out and map the existing weed bed locations and types present, and then present that information to the park manager for consideration when treating particular areas.

One of the major concerns is that the stocked muskies aren't finding adequate cover to protect themselves from the predators of the lake, which at 7", is just about everyone else.

Have any of you guys caught a 20" musky out of Arthur?

Red Childress
11-05-2010, 06:51 AM
Has there been any talk of cutbacks that might effect the 'musky operations' of the PFBC??

It was promising to hear the PFBC guy who delivered the muskies to us in Sept. saying they were going to hold the fingerlings longer so they can grow to 10" for next year's float stocking.

11-05-2010, 07:30 AM
They never mentioned anything about cutbacks in the future, but then again, probably not a smart thing to do at a musky meeting. Arway seems like the kind of guy you would want in there, and it's important to provide feedback to them so there aren't ever any mentions of cutbacks. Remember the small portion of the angler population we make up, and how each little bit of feedback we give shows them we're still here!!

Red Childress
11-05-2010, 07:44 AM
Great point. I agree.

It is sooooo easy to bitch about "things" but the PFBC (like everyone else I know) like to hear positive comments as well. In some ways, we (PA) are considerably farther ahead than many traditional muskie states, including Wisconsin. Most of Wisconsin still has a statewide minimum size limit of 34 inches if you can believe that.

11-05-2010, 09:51 AM
I agree Red, it's easy to bitch about things. It's the easiest thing there is to do.... But for all the bitching and moaning people do, the PA F&BC is still losing money and needs help. So if we're on the water every weekend, why not share with them the changes that we see? Mr. Arway made it known to his employees that they are providing a public service, so IMO, I feel it's the public's service to give them some type of data in return. We all want the fishing to be better, right?!

Red Childress
11-05-2010, 10:19 AM
Do you know if we should we email him directly with comments/concerns or track down our local WCO?

11-05-2010, 10:37 AM
On the Fish and Boat Commission website, there is a new feature called "The Fishing Hole", where you can submit questions and comments electronically. It is located below the "table of contents" on the left side of the page.

OR you can contact:

Allen Woomer (Area Fisheries Manager): awoomer@state.pa.us - 814-755-3890

11-05-2010, 01:02 PM
Has there been any talk of cutbacks that might effect the 'musky operations' of the PFBC??

It was promising to hear the PFBC guy who delivered the muskies to us in Sept. saying they were going to hold the fingerlings longer so they can grow to 10" for next year's float stocking.

Speaking specifically about Arthur the # of muskies stocked hasn't changed according to the meeting. This year's # wasn't listed on the website.

11-26-2010, 03:18 PM
Any word from muskies inc meeting about Arthur?

Red Childress
11-26-2010, 03:28 PM
A person who was at the meeting send me this email and I copied/pasted it exactly as it was written to me:

"Dan spoke about the treatment of weeds at Lake Arthur. A total of 15 acres are treated, the lake has 3300acres. The amount treated and where the treatment take place is limited. The spray they use does not travel an is injected underwater. It only affects weeds it comes in contact with ,it is safe to eat fish taken in the sprayed areas. Dan has a power point program that shows all the areas sprayed and Brian Boyer invited him to a MMA meeting. The water clairty has been dark this year. Secchi disc readings will be taken once a week next summer by 3 rivers member to monintor water clarity."

11-27-2010, 12:00 PM
Thanks Red