View Full Version : Cold Front

11-03-2010, 04:17 PM
When fishing low fronts do you guys like to fish when it's first coming in with the barometer dropping or after it has settled in ? Case in point this front heading this way currently. I usually fish both but just wondering what seems to be the best bite time.

11-03-2010, 08:14 PM
I've caught river fish before and after in summer. Usually bookending the storm which may result.
This fall in pre-turnover I caught one in the calm before the rain and wind shift. Hours later when the sky cleared I caught another and lost one in a 1/2 hour period (not moon related).

Red Childress
11-04-2010, 09:17 AM
I try to get on the pre-frontal stuff if I can. As soon as I see the edge coming, I head to a high confidence spot anticipating the sun being blocked and the wind kicking up and chopping the water. That time frame has been pretty good for us over the years.

For me, wind is crucial when fishing clear water......even though I spend the whole day swearing at the wind as I try to keep the boat positioned.:)

I typically do not have much success during post-frontal but I am also on a river system so the weather is less influential when compared to the "lake" fish most of the time.

11-06-2010, 08:18 PM
Thx, i usually try the same and get out in front of the front. Was curious if you were more productive then or when it settled in. I always like it choppy out there too. Thought i was going to get out but got busy doing other stuff instead.