View Full Version : State of the Fishery via DNR

Paul Rothenberger
11-05-2010, 04:36 PM
Does any one know the status of the detailed report which was due to come out this year?

Blue- I assume you have heard something.

Anyway, I recall that they were doing significant testing last year, and when I got checked (in the boat and on camp, they were really out) this year the DNR folks told me that they tested this spring. By the way I really like the two new DNR officers both nice people. I left a bouy to mark a spot and they gave me warning instead of ticket (I will always bring them in from now on - the warning was sufficient).

The last report was thorough and informative and they set the objectives and this will give us a look into how well the objectives are being met. In additional I am interested in seeing the raw data on fish counts and sizes.

I am really looking forward to returning next spring with normal water levels, and I assume there will be some new timber to fish on the shore line after the big winds this summer. I saw some rocks in Lake 10 I never knew existed and we have been fishing the flowage for many decades.

Blue - i never had a chance to thank you for the tornado pics, my brothers and I appreciated seeing them.

Thanks in advance for the update which I am sure will come.

Paul Rothenberger

11-05-2010, 05:58 PM
Cleverly hidden on the DNR website:


A general summary of the population survey data has been available for quite a while here:


I received some spreadsheets of more detailed population survey data from Jeff Roth about a year ago, but they don't offer much in the way of additional insights. To get the really interesting details, you'd have to look at the actual data collection logs. I assume there will be a formal report at some point that combines the population and creel census data and provides more detailed analysis and recommendations, and normally we could probably expect to see that right about now. But Jeff retired last spring and I believe his position is still officially unfilled due to budget constraints. One of the fisheries technicians was filling in, but being short-staffed might cause some delay in getting it done. I do know that Jeff was generally happy with the results and thought it was unlikely that any new regulations would be proposed for walleyes or muskies. He did say that a change to a harvest slot for smallies was a possibility, to allow anglers to keep slightly smaller fish while preserving or enhancing trophy opportunites - he mentioned something along the lines of 13-17" or 14-17".

11-07-2010, 09:41 PM
Thanks for posting that! I was astounded that an estimated 12,000 walleye are harvested each year on the TFF, yet the overall population has remained steady and even increased slightly since 1997.

- BF

St Croix Kid
11-09-2010, 10:44 AM
that slot on smallies would be great. i fished a lake in central wisconsin that is managed for trophy smallies. anglers can keep one fish a day but it has to be over 18". I caught a 19" and 19.75" on consecutive casts at one point. really big fish in there. i did not harvest either one.

11-09-2010, 07:53 PM
From the main survey reports page (http://dnr.wi.gov/fish/reports/) you have to click on the link under "Other Data and Reports," then the link to "Treaty Creel Survey Final Reports." Just took another look and realized Trude Lake has a separate report:


I also found some very brief summaries with graphs of the size distribution of fish sampled during the 2009 spring population survey - note that these were targeting walleyes and muskies in their respective spawning areas, so the other species were incidental and don't accurately reflect their relative numbers. But I thought the largemouth in the TFF were interesting...I'm wondering if most of those turned up in the fyke nets that were set for muskies, since they'd probably spawn in the same shallow weedy areas. Might have to give those areas a try with buzzbaits next June.

TFF: http://dnr.wi.gov/fish/nor/docs/2009turtle_flambeau_flowage_spring_report.pdf

Trude: http://dnr.wi.gov/fish/nor/docs/2009trude_spring_report.pdf

11-10-2010, 06:40 PM
Keep up the good work Blue in keeping anglers informed on the facts. Way too often the truth in fisheries gets skewed. Mayber we can get out there again and talk about the TFF future.


11-12-2010, 07:07 AM
Next time, you'll have to remember to leave the 30mph wind at home so we can hit the good spots. Definitely looking forward to a 2011 smallmouth "population survey" and expecting better conditions and a higher sampling rate than last time.

11-20-2010, 11:59 AM
It is kind of disconcerting to note the musky stocking currently being done on the TFF. Last good year looks like 2001, and my guess is that these represent the 42-43.5" fish this season.

I thought it unusual this season to catch no fish below 31", most every year there are some small ones in the mix. Not for me this year.