View Full Version : November 10th report

Ty Sennett
11-14-2010, 09:52 AM
We finnished up filming with Keyes Outdoors on the 10th and we had some good footage to add to a couple big Chip fish. We fished one of Steve Gensen's favorite action lakes and the fishing was a little slower than normal with the warm temps but we caught three fish and had a lot of other fish following suckers. They were 30,35, and 40 inches. At on point we had three different fish following suckers at the same time. Pretty cool. We had one figure eight fish that went around about eight times before hitting. Hopefully the underwater camera caught that. We had a lot of fun. Those guys have a heck of a setup for filming. You can tell they have filmed for quite some time. I'm guessing it will air some time in the late winter or early spring. I'll keep everyone posted.

Water temps were 43 -45 degrees.