View Full Version : That's a wrap

11-14-2010, 09:26 PM
Well, after a good weekend, we decided to call it a season. Might as well go out on a good note. Dad and I went 5 for 6 this weekend at Chautauqua with a couple nice ones. Pretty good action for post turnover, but we still can't seem to get a 50 out of that lake. This heavy fish Dad got on Saturday was less than an inch shy.

We had another good year. 105 legals between the two of us, and I released my 600th this season. I'm greatful to have such a great Dad that is always up for fishing. Now it's time to try to kill some deer.

Good luck to everyone who's still hitting the water.

Adam Andresky

Red Childress
11-15-2010, 08:02 AM
Nice fish Bill!


You are a lucky man indeed to spend quality time on the water with your Dad. I really miss chasing largemouth with my Dad but 508 miles of distance between us kinda makes it hard to get on the water together these days.

11-15-2010, 08:37 AM
Thanks Red. Dad doesn't own or use a computer, believe it or not, so I will let him know you congratulated him. Hard to believe a retired teacher of 35+ years doesn't use a computer.

One of these years I would really like to fish the river with you in the winter and extend my season a bit. Trouble is by this time every year my wife is so fed up with my fishing she is ready to kill me. Especially now that I have a little girl. Now I need to be around so much that she is sick of me by March when it's time to get back out.

Red Childress
11-15-2010, 09:28 AM
I completely understand regarding the fishing.........if I am not guiding, I am at the 'barracks' with my wife and family. :)

11-15-2010, 12:10 PM
"THEY" just don't understand........ha ha

I do know that Adam sure sent a lot more pictures of his dad with the big ones this year than of himself!!!

It is funny how that works outs, my whole week at St. Clair my partners biggest fish on the last day was 38" and it was a pike. 35" was his biggest muskie. He ended up with the second biggest fish but he sure waited for it.
I would of been really bummin' if it would of been happening to me with it being my boat and me supply the boat and all the gear. It happens.
Last year Jacob got all the larger fish every trip. I guess if your going to get whooped on, it sure is nice if it's a family member, makes for a much nicer ride home without a buddy riding your backside........lol.......

You are lucky that your dad goes as much as you guys get out.
A guy couldn't ask for a better fishing partner.

11-15-2010, 01:31 PM
We troll at least 90% of the year anymore and that style of fishing really becomes a team effort in my eyes. We also take turns after the first fish of the day is boated also. Things usually even out, but my Dad definitely got some nice fish this year. It's also amazing how one rod or bait can get hot and catch almost all the fish. That's why taking turns is nice. For example, this weekend the same rod and bait went off the first three times out of the six hits we had over the two days. I really don't care if I reel them in or not. For me, it's all about discovering a pattern (depth, speed, location, time of day, lure choice) and putting fish in the boat. The fish we caught this weekend all hit at the same speed, were in the same location in the water column, and were in the same depth of water. There was a definite color preference for the first day and a half also. As is the case most days that you find a good pattern and put multiple muskies in the boat.

I know you feel the same way Frank, so I'm not really explaining this for your sake. Yeh, my dad catches more big muskies than I do.

11-15-2010, 06:26 PM
It is amazing how it works out sometimes. Last year when Jacob was whopping up on me, same deal, totally took turns every trip. Just the luck or unluck of the draw.

I always say the trolling fish are "WE" fish, as your fishing as a team.
When you develop a pattern it sure make you feel good about the outing when multi fish are coming to the net.
Casting fish are your own fish.