View Full Version : Storm Damage Popko circle

The Frog caster
11-25-2010, 09:30 PM
While deer hunting this past weekend I saw lots and lots of downed trees and such along Popko circle east. We hunted in the Wilson lake area. We were up at our place in Mercer the weekend of the storm and knew most of the damage was a few miles west of town. I hadn't drove down that way till now. As I only went as far as the Hadley brush pit to get rid of lake weeds and leaves. We were shocked to see all the devastation in that area while hunting. We saw spots that looked like the forestry service went nuts with their chain saws. I did manage to see a few doe and one fork horned buck, but didn't get a shot off. I'll try my luck again this weekend. Also saw a few brave souls on the Minoqua chain Sunday pulling their boats out of the water as I went buy.......... they didn't look like "happy campers" as it was kind of rainy and misty and windy with temps holding around freezing. Summer can't come soon enough for me, as I miss those lazy summer days wetting my line searching for bass and Muskie. I really enjoy reading all the posts you guys compile. To all members have a great holiday season.......... The Frog Caster (Larry)

11-27-2010, 06:29 AM
Happy Holidays to you too Larry. Hope you have luck this weekend.