View Full Version : High high water......

12-11-2010, 08:50 PM
Does anyone know when there gonna cut the water back at the dam? I'm going thru withdrawls and may possibly have cabin fever....

12-11-2010, 11:13 PM
Keep an eye on this. They update it daily. Looks like they plan on cutting back a bit on the 14th but it'll still be nearly 15,000 cf/s.

Red Childress
12-12-2010, 09:05 AM
This "warm" rain and melting snow pack sure isn't helping things.

I ventured to the river with a buddy of mine yesterday and we netted 5 chunky walleye between 19 and 21.5 inches with an average weight of 4 pounds or so.

12-12-2010, 11:36 AM
Sorry guys, but I'm looking forward to a bit of high water tomorrow. We need it down here to clear out the ice! This was from December 10th??

Red Childress
12-21-2010, 11:56 AM
River is forecasted to be down to 4500 cfs by X-mas Eve..........

Red Childress
01-03-2011, 11:52 AM
The outflow will be bumped up (beginning tomorrow) to 7100 cfs. This should flush out any and all ice left over from the recent thaw.

Katmai Kid
01-03-2011, 02:42 PM
We fished this morning and it looked to be more than 2600 coming out at the tail race. When I looked at 5 am it said tomorrow was going to be 6000 now it's 7100??? Who is the guy that changes his mind up there? Oh it must be a women running the show, NOW I GET IT!! Great bite this morning, headed back this evening to get some more eyes! Good luck everyone, hope you didn't burn all your vacation for santa!

Red Childress
01-03-2011, 03:06 PM
The outflow predictions are usually updated by 10am each day. Once the main guy in Pittsburgh compiles all hydro data, he makes the final decision for the day's outflow and the following day's predicted outflow.

The outflow numbers/predictions you see on the ACE site do not reflect any extra water released during hydroelectric production, BTW.