View Full Version : Allegheny property

H2O wolf
12-13-2010, 09:47 AM
Can anyone point me in the right direction to research properties on the Allegheny. Not looking at anything fancy, just a fishing camp. If anyone can send me some type of trader magazine that has ads from NW Pa let me know I'll send my address. I've looked online but didn't come up with much. Thanks

Red Childress
12-13-2010, 10:11 AM
Lowbidder should be able to help you here. He was researching the same thing recently.

If you are not opposed to venturing up my way, you can check out the Warren County Visitor's Burea website. They have some rental/for sale properties there as well.


H2O wolf
12-13-2010, 10:46 AM
Thanks Red,

That website you mentioned is .net... I didn't see any on there. Do you know where to look under on that website?

12-13-2010, 11:15 AM
I've been looking at river property for 2 years,call me if you want to. 724-248-9040

12-13-2010, 11:59 AM
I've been searching for about a year now from East Brady to Warren and everywhere in between for either a cabin or a piece of ground (I'm a contractor). I've found several properties, but nothing that has sparked a great interest. I'm holding out for something around Warren because I love to fish the cold weather.
I have come to the conclusion that for every property to hit the market, there are probably 5 that are sold/transferred privately. Here are some agencies / sites that I've been watching that have active listings...

McVay Real Estate (Franklin / Oil City)
Beith Associates (Franklin)
Realtor.com (multi-city search)
Real Living (multi-city search)
Gates and Burns Realty (Foxburg to Tionesta)
Howard Hanna Forest Realty (Tionesta to Tidioute)
Trulia.com (multi-city search)
homesbywilson.com (Franklin / Oil City)

There is a property near Buckaloons that seemed very reasonable and clean. I didn't like it because it wasn't a very good view (island), but if that's not important to you, it was in a decent location. can't remember the realtor.

Good luck...

Red Childress
12-13-2010, 12:48 PM

Scroll to bottom where the local Real Estate links are. Those links (along with those Mike posted) should cover just about every public listing in my area.

Katmai Kid
12-14-2010, 08:33 PM
A friend of mine was recently looking for a piece of dirt to build a house. He put an add in the warren paper looking for lots that might be for sale by owners. He got a call about an acre on the 59 side of the river just below the dam and picked it up for 900 bucks! It's got limited parking but it's a acre on the river. Just something to think about, a lot of people don't want to pay an agency when selling a camp or small piece of ground.

12-15-2010, 08:06 AM
You gotta be careful when buying vacant land in that area. Gotta make sure there is enough room for a camp and still meet zoning. With an acre, there should be no problems and for only 900 bucks you can't go wrong. Even if you couldn't build, It could be used as a place to camp / dock and it would still be a great deal.

For example, there is a riverfront cabin along 59 right below verbeck island that is caving in on itself. I'm sure you guys know which one I'm talking about. Back in september, I ran into the guy that owns it and he said he would sell it to me for 6 thousand. It had to be re-modeled, not demolished. The deal was that if the house was completely demolished, a new one could not be re-built. One corner of the home is still considered inhabitable by the local code officer. Once that corner of the house goes (maybe this winter), the lot is basically worthless because it's not big enough to build a new camp.

It would be one helluva logistical nightmare, but it could be re-modeled and is sandwiched between two very nice seasonal cabins and has a great view. Unfortunately, the phone that had the owner's number in it is at the bottom of the Yough river. If anybody is interested, the owner lives one cabin to the right (seasonal flatlander) as you look at them from the river.
