View Full Version : Ice conditions just went bad

The Tiny Fisherman
12-13-2010, 09:50 AM
Ice conditions went from good to very bad. We have about four to six inches of ice. Now there is about ten inches of snow on top of it. As you can see on the attached pictures there is about two hundred feet of slush a long the whole shore line. It will be a long time before the ice will be good to travel on. The drifts are about three to four feet high.

Wish I had better news,

12-13-2010, 10:46 AM
That's too bad about the snow and what it did to the ice. I was just wondering. On an average Saturday or Sunday in January or February, how many people would you say are out on the TFF ice fishing?

The Tiny Fisherman
12-13-2010, 01:50 PM
Boy Don that's a tough one. Fisheree's will through the count way off and there are two big ones. The weather and ice conditions is a big factor too. Some years when there is lots of snow and vehicle (trucks and ATV's) travel is nonexistent, you'll won't see anybody out. Only those that have long track snowmobiles. But if I were to average the whole flowage on a good day, I would say maybe two hundred people.

Each region of the flowage has its ice fishing draws. They too, depend on many factors. I would say travel conditions and distance being the biggest.

Keep your stick on the ice,

12-13-2010, 07:36 PM
so the chances of me snowmobiling from springstead across baraboo this saturday isn't too likely?

12-14-2010, 01:01 AM
To bad about all the snow.We were on track for some good ice.Hopefully this cold weather helps out,but doesn't make a bunch of slush pockets.

12-14-2010, 09:28 AM
I saw two sleds come up the flowage on Sunday. They went past The Hideaway. I stayed off the ice because of all of the slush.

12-14-2010, 10:43 PM
That does not look like good conditions for a 10k lb clubhouse. Maybe next year?

The Tiny Fisherman
12-15-2010, 08:02 AM
As for travel, it would not be advised. With all the weight of the snow on top of the thin ice, it will cause the ice below to weaken. The ice sinks below the water and the heavy snow act as a insulator. Making the ice very dangerous, with thick under layer of slush. We had the same conditions last year. Gus and I went out after two weeks of the heavy snow on the ice (and lots of cold weather). Where there was six to eight inches of ice there was three to five at the best. It made you think, that this isn't good idea. Also with the large drifts, you won't be able to go very fast.

Is -18 for the last two dazes, but that sill won't make it freeze up. What we need is warm weather to melt the snow and start over.

Have a Merry Christmas,

12-16-2010, 01:10 AM
Maybe a good dec.rain storm is the ticket.Good call on the warmer weather Tiny.Start all over.