View Full Version : Franklin?

Colonel K
12-24-2010, 01:28 AM
I'm retired Army and just bought a home in Franklin, PA. Can anyone tell me about the fishing from Franklin to Kennerdell? Is all fishing done from boats or can you bank fish? Can it be fished with a small aluminium V-hull with a motor or is a flat bottom/canoe/kayak the only way? Does anyone know what fish is predominant in this area? Finally, though it's off the subject, is there duck hunting available on this part of the river? Any help would be appreciated. I originate from Mercer county and have dreamed of returning to PA... I'm on my way!

12-24-2010, 10:28 AM
Welcome, welcome home and Thank you for your all your service. This little forum has agained quite a few new memebers reciently.

Unfortantly i have no information on that area, just wanted to say welcome and thanks. I am sure someone will have information to help you out

Joe M
12-24-2010, 11:53 AM
Welcome home. There are a few guys that fish it regular. I dont. I know they do good on the walleye and muskys though. Reed will probaly give you more info when he sees this post. Thanks for the service. Merry christmas.

12-24-2010, 12:02 PM
Welcome and thanks for your service !! Can't help you out much in that area but there should be smallies, cats, eyes and muskies. The river fluctuates more since you're down river a ways so keep that in mind. The mouth of French creek should be a good area to scout. Here's a topo for you....http://www.trails.com/topo.aspx?lat=41.3916&lon=-79.82115&s=50&size=s&style=drgsr

12-24-2010, 01:02 PM
My experience is very limited there (fished it once and went on a boat test once).

There is a deep dredge upstream from Franklin (near the new sheetz), but it's shallow above and below it, so you're looking at fishing that spot from shore or a jet boat unless the water is high. In that case, I bet a v-hull could make it there from the public launch.

Downstream is series of mid-depth pools and riffles / islands / pilings. It seems like a good area to fish, but I haven't devoted enough time to be much of a help to ya.

Good luck and welcome to the board!

Colonel K
12-24-2010, 07:11 PM
Gentlemen thank you very much. It was both an honor and privilege to serve you and our Constitution. I appreciate the info and look forward to drowning some bait in the upcoming months.

12-26-2010, 07:32 PM
Look up Howard Wagner. Moraine Musky Association site is a good place for contact info. He even got a 50" from shore recently around Franklin.

12-27-2010, 10:32 AM
Howard does know that area well! He is also good about sharing information! Try and google "The Fish Education Center" in Fombel PA for his phone number! (I have it but too lazy to look right now) This guy has a lot of years and a lot of giant fish under his belt!


12-27-2010, 01:20 PM
Colonel K- Depending on what fish species you're after, you should be located in a pretty good area for most of them... the smallmouth fishing in the allegheny can be great up that way. I have a few friends that are pretty serious about their bass and they plan a canoe trip every year for the area. There are alot of hatches in the northern sections of the river to keep you busy with a flyrod, and if you really want to test yourself... Try fishing for muskies or pike. It may not be action packed like some other types of fishing, but there's something about seeing a fish eat a lure that got all of us hooked.
A few guys mentioned talking to Howard Wagner or contacting him at the fish ed center. He's a great fisherman and a good friend. He will share some things with you, as other will. In my opinion, you'd be better talking to a guy like Jeff Knapp who fishes the river more and for various species. Google him and you'll find plenty he wrote for PA Fish/ Pa Fish and Game and his website. Keystone Connection.