View Full Version : Fish report for 12/30/10

12-30-2010, 10:19 PM
We went to an inland lake up FH 13 yesterdayand came home with one nice gill. Between the two of us we also landed 5 undersized pike. I did a lot of walking and a lot of drilling in search of those gills but never did find them. I cought one pike while searching and then got the gill so we moved the Clam to that spot. We cought two of the pike there and saw lots of others on the camera but we would lift our baits up so we didn't catch them. We also saw lots of gills that woud come in and not even look at our baits. Is there somrthing we are doing wrong.....?


12-30-2010, 11:53 PM
If you're talking about Chicago Lake, no, you're not doing anything wrong. The fishing (at least in my experience) has sucked the past year or so. I did pretty well out there in the fall of 2008...last winter, zilch. Last summer mediocre.

12-31-2010, 02:32 PM
I fished Chicago Lake last winter. I got there and set up and lowered my camera and saw gills right away. Well the gills I saw were in the 4" range. And so were the perch. I fished there for about an hour of so and then packed it up. I scrached that lake off my list.


12-31-2010, 04:20 PM
I caught a gill in Chicago Lake a couple of years ago that was almost a master angler...but there doesn't seem to be anything around but stunted ones now.