View Full Version : transducer

01-01-2011, 07:31 AM
does anyone know where i can buy a transducer for my vexilar in esky or will i have to go to marquette , i have the 9/o and when the current is real strong i cant see my lure , even with the gain cranked looking for 19/o thanks dave

01-01-2011, 10:50 AM
drill a hole down current a few feet and throw your transducer in that hole, fish in the up current hole... I fished river channels on wisconsin river reservoirs and had to do this for crappie fishing deep water. The furthest i had to go was 6' away from my fishing hole...

01-01-2011, 11:16 AM
Wouldn't taping/attaching the transducer cable to a rigid piece of wood or bar work? I don't have a vex (and obviously don't know much about them)...but that's how I converted my summer setup to ice fishing. Current isn't an issue with that setup.

01-01-2011, 11:28 AM
nope, i believe the current is sweeping his bait out of the "cone" of the transducer, which is why he wants to go with a larger cone so that he can pick up the signal of the bait even though its being swept to one side.

01-01-2011, 11:30 AM
Yoopertroll.. It's not that the transducer moves too far... his lure is moving so far with the current that the narrow angle of the transducer is losing the lure.

I like Jokerswild's idea myself.. unless your set on a different ducer.. but cant answer your question as to where to get one. Sorry

01-01-2011, 12:16 PM
Yoopertroll.. It's not that the transducer moves too far... his lure is moving so far with the current that the narrow angle of the transducer is losing the lure.

I like Jokerswild's idea myself.. unless your set on a different ducer.. but cant answer your question as to where to get one. Sorry

Ah, thanks. I knew I had to have it horribly wrong :) In re-reading the original post, it now makes sense.

01-01-2011, 05:04 PM
When we fish in the narrows area we would have to go to a heavier lure just for that reason , strong current. Usually a #9 rap.