View Full Version : What no Packer Bear talk?

Ed Spoerl
01-18-2011, 12:53 PM
One of those games that as a fan of either the Pack or Bears, you will not be able to enjoy "the game" because of nerves.

Football fans will have a blast with this game while Packer and Bear fans sweat one out.

Should be a great game!


Frank Walsh
01-18-2011, 01:14 PM
Will be the game of our lifetime. Either team deserves the win. But you certainly know who I'm pulling for.

01-18-2011, 07:05 PM
I hope you are right. John and I talked trash today and made a bet on the game. Guess what team he is for? Chicago or Green Bay. No doubt next week he will be handing me $$$ for betting on americas team. Mike and I will have to listen to the game on the radio since I-29 north will be on our mind. Should be a game that will rival the Jet/Patriot game last weekend. Sunday night in the store we can watch the Jet/Steeler game and hopefully the SnoShoe will last.
See you then.

Frank Walsh
01-18-2011, 08:59 PM
Remind John that we have "special" fish houses set aside for Packer fans.

01-18-2011, 11:08 PM
My favorite place... the "special" house. OK Frank... how about a little bet. Packers win... you wear my favorite Packer hat during OM opening ceremonies. Bears win... I wear your Bear hat of choice.

01-19-2011, 07:48 AM
Ha,ha,ha.Sweet-either a cheesehead or a raggetty azz bearskin floating around for days!:)

01-19-2011, 08:41 PM
No response from Frank?!?!? I smell a chicken!

Frank Walsh
01-20-2011, 05:37 AM
Unlike you government workers, I have a real job. Ha....ha..ha.

I'm not one to engage is childish sparring over who's team will win. Bret's been trying to get me going all week, with no effect. Doesn't help that Bret (the *****) gave Laura and I a horrible cold. Both teams are playing well, and are in their stride, so no outcome would surprise me.

However, that being said, I'll up the deal. First, If the Packers win, I'll wear your stupid hat. Probably be some cheese shaped thing borrowed from a Wisconsin Wedding Chapel. Bears win, you wear my hat of choice. Agree?

Secondy, the looser is to host the winner to a guided fishing trip during OMlV.

01-20-2011, 08:50 AM
Wow!! This is just getting interesting. Now who's court is the ball in now?

Frank Walsh
01-20-2011, 11:25 AM
OK. Just this one:

Frank Walsh
01-20-2011, 11:28 AM
So now I'll add one for the opposition:

01-20-2011, 05:54 PM
I don't think that is a fair bet. Either way I lose... getting stuck in a boat with you! But... it's a deal. I look forward to seeing my guide wearing a cheesehead hat!

Frank Walsh
01-20-2011, 07:17 PM
Application to become a
green bay packer fan

name_________________________ cb handle_______________
mobile home color: _____two-tone, brown & white _____two-tone, pink & white _____faded
neck shade: _____light red _____med. Red _____dark red
model of pickup truck_____________ size of tires_________________________
number of teeth exposed (with full grin) – upper_____ lower_____
length of right leg_____ length of left leg_____
note: To be accepted you must be honest and you must be able to check at least 20 items from the
questions below. You may check more than one item per question.
1. I am in love with: 9. Favorite reading:
_____ my brothers wife _____ mother-in-law _____fishing facts _____beer bottle labels
_____guns & ammo _____tractor manuals
2. My favorite music:
_____country _____western
10. Things in my front yard
3. My favorite meal: _____car on blocks
_____head cheese and old style _____transmissions
_____venison sausage and old style _____various kitchen appliances
_____cheese curds and old style _____deer hanging from tree (in season)
_____seven course dinner (brat and six pack) _____deer hanging from tree (out of season)
4. Preferred weapon: 11. My favorite female in the world is:
_____12 gauge shotgun _____tire iron _____my mom _____my sister
_____forehead _____chain saw _____both, cause i think my sister is my mom
_____ice auger _____beer bottle
12. I mostly wear:
5. Primary auto: _____polyester leisure suits
_____’67 ford galaxy _____packers belt buckle
_____’67 ford galaxy with transmission _____packers hat
_____’67 ford galaxy with chevy transmission
_____’67 ford galaxy with chevy transmission 13. The most memorable event i ever attended
and ’71 buick engine _____miocqua moose calling competition
_____omsga outboard motor repair finals
6. I usually greet people by saying: _____lake tomahawk crew cut championships
_____”ya hey dere” _____carp queen beauty contest
_____”dem packers is playing like a bunch of old women” _____spread eagle proctologists convention
_____”day should take da whole bunch a dem madison
liberals and just line ‘em up and shoot ‘em!” 14. My favorite entertainment is:
_____deer hunting while drinking
7. I can count to: _____watching green acres while drinking
_____ten (10) _____twenty (20) (with shoes off) _____showmobiling while drinking
_____ice fishing while drinking
8. Pick one: _____someone is helping me read this _____someone is reading this to me
signed by:_______________________________________________ _ date:_______________________________

Lynne D
01-21-2011, 07:32 PM
Frank; I resemble that remark about government workers. Of course the key word there is WORKER!!!

Heh ED! Go Pack Go!!!


Lynne D
01-23-2011, 06:37 PM
Heh; how about them packers...

01-24-2011, 02:57 PM
Very strange situation to me.There seems little doubt to me that at least half the Packers(fans included),are a bit,ah,how to say it but 'la femme'???Clearly many wear panties.
Now the Bears-well I doubt they've ever discovered underwear more or less panties or lingerie.
Frankly the only ray of hope I see for the entire conference is the rumor the ViQueens are pursuing either Joe Montana or Broadway Joe Namath.
All in all,a very unsavory position for a fan to be in.

01-25-2011, 07:31 AM
Mr Pearson, how unfortunate... have you lost your mind? Packers, panties, la femme...? Never! In fact, rather than "Chuck Norris" tough, people are changing it to "Green Bay" tough.

Here's a good one... They once made a Green Bay Packer toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody!

01-25-2011, 08:01 AM
I didn't know that about the toilet paper.Thanks,I stand corrected-and now understand that 'Packer smell'.

01-26-2011, 07:32 AM
Well,bad is bad,but the worst is the Super Bowl outcome:
Steelers 17
Packers 20.

01-26-2011, 11:32 AM
Dicky p. Has trashed what everyone all knows as the best team in football. It has been rewarding to watch from the sidelines. It is kind of like letting a liberal talk, they will eventually burry themselves. Fact #1 green bay is on it's way to Dallas. Fact. #2 his first team, the queens,his second team the bears, and his third favorite team the rest of the league, are staying home. You have 1 team left dicky p. The steelers are your only hope.
Stepping back up on the high road, good luck dicky p. Lol

01-26-2011, 01:52 PM
I remember the greatest muskie spot ever being named by you as 'Dicks Place',not 'Dicky Ps' place????Am I wrong?Or maybe you're still bitter???
After that tirade,I've rethought the Super Bowl:
Packers 17
Steelers 20.

Lynne D
01-26-2011, 06:51 PM
Dick; A little higher scoring I think;
Packers -31
Pitt -28

01-27-2011, 07:45 AM
Don't know,sure could be.I kind of figured the Packers as scoring 7 safeties and one field goal but....Guess their offense could surprise me.:confused:
I really hesitate to say anymore though cause it might contribute to another tirade from Bret-proving my point about 'panties' cause he sure gets his in a wad.:)

01-27-2011, 09:39 AM
I'll give you the dicks place. You earned that one. What do you mean by tirade. I have sat here and let you rip me day after day. Let's see!!! my quarterback is gay, a girl, my team has cheated there way to the superbowl I only stepped off the high road once. LOL

01-27-2011, 12:34 PM
Yeh,I'll admit you've been pretty decent.
I'm still sticking with 7 safeties and a field goal though.

02-01-2011, 10:01 AM
The real tragedy for bear fans is the prolonging of luny smith staying as the head coach of the bears. Even spell check calls him luny.

Illinois Dennis
02-02-2011, 06:47 PM
I think I have heard enough out of Dr. Pearson, who really has a sissy team???