View Full Version : Awesome Fishing Today.

Frank Walsh
01-27-2011, 02:14 PM
Picture from Smith & Hill's house today. What a great bunch of walleyes!!!!!

01-27-2011, 05:50 PM
Fire up the smoker!!!

Doug J

01-27-2011, 06:57 PM
umm... mabe my eyes are going bad but those fish in that picture dont look like walleye's?

Ed Spoerl
01-27-2011, 09:41 PM
Save some for a nice fish boil during OM! I'll bring the butter! Yum!

01-29-2011, 12:39 PM
Frank was right. The fishing was awesome. We (5) fished for 4 days and really enjoyed the nice weather, not too cold or too warm. Wind was not a factor. No matter what house we used, the fish were on a bite but some were better than others. On the way back to Omaha we tried to count how many were caught and a number of 400 +/- kept on coming up. No Pike, Perch, Lake Trout or Elpout were caught but Mike managed to be the trash man with a few Tulipees landed. No doubt the average size was around 17" for them all. On Monday we had to start filling up my rod locker, as the bucket was filled. The picture is of one that did not fit in so I released it back. The case measures 13.5" x 32". Only Frank and I know how big it was. Cindy, can you and Dr. guess how big it was?

We never really found the absolute lure that worked the best. I think we all tried everything in the box to try and keep them active. The best fish came from Jigging Spoons of any make and color but the numbers came from dead sticking with any color as long as it had chartreuse or gold on it.

John and I will be making a trip to Franks in March fishing Ontario waters from a sled. Flotation suits will be used each day just in case. Stay tuned for that report.

01-29-2011, 02:09 PM
The fish was 10.125" unless it was lying lengthwise in which case it would be exactly 24". Or maybe 24.25" as the mouth appears to be slightly outside of the case. This was too easy, I didn't need to know the measurements of your shoes, sunglasses, or anything else. Glad it was a fun trip! Cindy

01-29-2011, 02:22 PM
Those will make some great fish sticks.

01-30-2011, 12:45 AM
Can't wait to get up there! My buddy and I are scheduled for Feb 12th and 13th. Hope the fishing keeps up!

02-08-2011, 04:20 PM
Cindy you are right. The fish measured 24.25" in length. I now might have to change my vote about the Musky you caught a few years ago when no measurements were taken when it was in the boat. What the heck, Frank I now vote for Cindy's Musky as being 50", as if it really matters what I say. Ring the bell when you go up this summer and post a picture for all of us to see.