View Full Version : Heads up - Portage Point!

The Bait Shop Guy
02-04-2011, 09:05 PM
It looks like a large portion of the bay south of Portage Point broke up today with the strong SW winds. Use caution if heading down that way in the morning!


02-05-2011, 12:35 AM
I saw the ass end of a truck that broke thru the crack off the Terrace tonight. The only thing holding it up was the bumper. Luckily I think they made it out of there. Just as I was loading a full throttle "hammer head" in a trruck blew outta the lauch and folllowed the path and crossed in the same spot....musta had her in 4 low. Be careful boys

02-06-2011, 12:58 PM
I saw a convoy of about 6 trucks coming in last night about 6:30 off the Terrace. How much ice is out there?! Braver than I would be.

02-06-2011, 01:34 PM
I was fishing off the terrace two nights ago. I wasn't sure how much ice was out there so I took the quad. I measured anywhere from about 14-15 inches of good ice.

02-06-2011, 01:38 PM
theres 16 or so inches of ice off the terrece just watch the crack. at first the "good side" to cross was north of the little tree but now the snow has been drifting there quite a bit so most ppl have been driving just to the south of the little tree. my dads buddy had a quad cab chevy 2500hd deisel that he drove off at the terrace and over to the mouth of the esky w/ no prob.