View Full Version : I'm sorry Ty

02-06-2011, 06:01 PM
Last night I was dreaming that I was trying to hold your boat still against this one cement dock. Only I wasn't doing a very good job of it. Fact is, I was like..trying to swing your boat around end to end, you know, and I was actually bashing your boat against this one cement dock. It was ugly and you were not real thrilled with me.

Then, we were soaring. Not in any airplane or rocket ship. No. WE were soaring, I guess kinda' like Superman supermen. Flying as it were. Individually. We got high enough that we could really see the Chip well, the deeper areas were so defined and such.

Suddenly, you were on the ground and you stepped into this one tiny pool of water, kinda' like a bay, then you just disappeared. It was ok, you wanted to disappear so you did.

Well, I was still soaring higher and higher and I was googlin' earth like you wouldn't believe and the Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller.....And that's all I can remember. Whew.

Sorry about bashing your boat. I'll try not to do it again. Why couldn't I just have had this nice Musky dream instead ? It was a nightmare. Uffda.

02-06-2011, 09:50 PM
Sounds like some stories/apologies from college...you know, when you do things you don't tell your kids about.

Too funny. Laughed out loud and my wife looked at me like I was crazy.

Ty Sennett
02-07-2011, 08:56 AM
Whoa Robert, a little less whiskey right before bed. That was quite the story though. Your mind never sleeps even when you do. Too funny.

lil man tait
02-07-2011, 12:59 PM
Ty Sennett.... "The Mad Superman of Musky Fishing"

I see a new Sennett Tackle Logo....Tupac with a Cape

Snizz...Make it happen

02-08-2011, 03:32 PM
Must be something I'm eating or drinking. Geezzzz.

Last night it was bears. Real bears, Grizzly and Polar. There was this huge pile/drift of snow, REAL strange like, around my house, kind of. (You know how bizarre dreams are.) Well, these two or three bears were trying to get me. And I was all concerned about my 20 guage shotgun and it's slugs taking the bears down and out. Plus, at some point I was stupid enough to be huntin' these bears with the 20 guage !

Then this county highway guy I know, Brad, he turend into a county policeman and my 20 guage was laying in back of my pickup on top of something that I don't know what it was, and he was all askin' about my 20 bore and I was only trying to survive at that point. But, it was summer and no snow, but the bears were STILL after me...and I woke up. An I think Brad was trying to arrest me for having a 20 guage instead of a 12. Ack. Also, this Polar bear, it was real crafty and smart (a lot smarter than me) and it wanted me bad !

Real, real strange. BUT ! I liked it. Wheeeeee. hahahahhaa

02-08-2011, 04:43 PM
"You know how bizarre dreams are."

Do I ever! Too funny, again. Can't wait for tomorrow's installment.