View Full Version : Fishing in a hard rain

02-10-2011, 03:02 PM
What is your opinion of catching fish in a hard rain, no thunder or lightning, just rain? Do you catch many or are you better heading in until it lets up a little. If you do fish through the hard rain do you get more fish on topwater or subsurface lures.
From what I can remember I have only caught one fish during a really hard rain on the flowage.


Corey Meyer

02-10-2011, 04:29 PM
Its not Ty, but my experience has been within the first 10-20 minutes of the rain. After that it is hit or miss. I guess when your bait is in the water you always have a chance, but I have seen a lot more fish in that window than after. Like 10 to 1. It will be interesting to hear what Ty says.

02-11-2011, 05:12 PM
From what we have experienced is that it can either be great or crappy. 4 years ago in the Hayward tourney on Friday it poured out on Friday and we had fish going nuts that day. A couple of other times we have fished in hard rain it has been good for us during, just before and right after. The times it has been crappy is because we didn't go out fishing.

Ty Sennett
02-14-2011, 10:35 AM
We have had some really really good times in the rain and some flat out bone chilling, frustrating times in the rain. I'd say more than not we move bigger than average fish in a hard rain and get more fish to hit topwater in the rain than anything. I always get charged up whan I see rain in the forecast. Usually rain means big baits and big fish. Two of the best baits in the rain are bucktails and topwater and move both of them fast. Most of the bucktail action is on larger bucktails but early in the year that's not always the case. Most of the topwter action is on larger pacemakers but when it's calm the small ones seem to work better. Why they like topwater is beyond me but it does seem to work prety darn good.

I can remember a lot of big fish showing up on really crappy rainy days so I think that's why I always get so charged up for those kind of days. The only bad thing is the let down when you get rained on and the fish are not moving. That's a slap in the face times two.

02-21-2011, 11:52 AM
some really big fish are caught in a cold rain.