View Full Version : Truck Travel

02-14-2011, 10:22 AM

I'm coming up to do a little fishing on Saturday, February 19th. I was wondering if you had the super warm temps up there last weekend and if this has knocked the snow down...added a lot of slush or what not. I know there are a few more warm days on the forecast for this week yet, but just wanted to know how it is now.


02-14-2011, 01:51 PM

I'm coming up to do a little fishing on Saturday, February 19th. I was wondering if you had the super warm temps up there last weekend and if this has knocked the snow down...added a lot of slush or what not. I know there are a few more warm days on the forecast for this week yet, but just wanted to know how it is now.


We haven't gotten nearly the snow here as other places north and south of us this winter. I drove around on the upper bay Sunday afternoon with my truck (as did many others). Zero worries. There's close to 2 feet of black ice in most places up there.

Of course we're entering that time of year when things can change pretty quickly. But I don't see anything in the forecast this week that would cause drastic, immediate changes.

Just my opinion. When you get up here, check the latest report before going out.

02-14-2011, 01:56 PM

Thanks for your input. We will be up for the last three days in February, too, so this is a "pre-fishing" trip for me. I didn't expect the ice itself to be a problem, I was more worried about the snow depth. The other down side to this warm weather is the snow on the lake will get all rutted up and then when it gets cold again, it's going to make for some bouncy driving around.

I live in SE Wisconsin and I know on Saturday, there was a ton of water and slush on the lakes around here...to the point that truck travels was impossible due to the deep snow and water/slush combination.

I'm glad you don't have the same conditions up there.

Thanks for your feed back

02-14-2011, 03:12 PM

Thanks for your input. We will be up for the last three days in February, too, so this is a "pre-fishing" trip for me. I didn't expect the ice itself to be a problem, I was more worried about the snow depth. The other down side to this warm weather is the snow on the lake will get all rutted up and then when it gets cold again, it's going to make for some bouncy driving around.

I live in SE Wisconsin and I know on Saturday, there was a ton of water and slush on the lakes around here...to the point that truck travels was impossible due to the deep snow and water/slush combination.

I'm glad you don't have the same conditions up there.

Thanks for your feed back

No slush or water on the ice as of yesterday (Sunday). I won't be able to get out the rest of the week, so I can't predict what will happen down the road later this week. Yeah, it sounds like things are a LOT better here than they are down your way. I know the LP of Michigan has gotten absolutely blasted this winter as well...pretty crappy ice conditions down there in many spots as well.

I actually saw a 2-wheel drive van pulling a shack off the ice yesterday. Now that is braver than I'd be (no matter what the conditions I got to have me some 4w to feel confident out there), but...you get the idea of the conditions.

weekend jimmy
02-15-2011, 08:42 PM
I was out on Saturday and I drove my mini van out there. There are a few drifts that i had to watch for. I drove off by the Gladstone yacht club. No problems getting on or off. With the warm temps I expect those drifts to disappear, but its always a good plan to check with Chris at Bayveiw bait. He should have up to date info and is always generous with his bait. (still hasn't learned to count. ;) )Thanks Chris.