View Full Version : Fish Notes App

02-14-2011, 12:58 PM
Have any of you guys tried this app for the iPhone, iPod, etc... I just got it over the weekend and it seems pretty damn sweet to use as a fishing journal. Plus it gives you current weather, solunar tables and "best" fishing times along with tons of other info.

I got away from my regular journal over the last couple of years. However, after seeing this app, I'm gonna give it another whirl.

Red Childress
02-14-2011, 01:05 PM
Heard about it........how much does it cost??

02-14-2011, 02:01 PM
Its pretty pricey for an app at $12.99 (if I recall correctly). But it can even incorporate GPS coordinates. Like I said, I just got it and haven't put it in practice yet, but I'm really liking what I see so far.

Red Childress
02-14-2011, 02:14 PM
I just read some info about the moonrise/set app and it is only 1.00.

Does your new app incorporate GPS/waypoints for data entries??

02-14-2011, 02:51 PM
There are a few other apps out there that have bits and pieces of what Fish Notes offers as a single package. to be honest, I am not sure about the GPS side of things yet. I've seen reference to it on the website but haven't done anything with it yet.

So far I've just checked out the weather, solunar tables, "best fishing times" and also how to enter the info when I catch a fish. I only have an iPod Touch, so I am gonna be somewhat limited compared to if I had an iPhone. I'll basically have to hit a wifi connection, pick the area that I'll be fishing and have it update the weather, solunar info, etc... It appears that it loads a weeks worth of weather at a shot that way.

I can definitely post some updates along the way as I get more familiar with it. Like I said, from what I've seen so far, it looks like a pretty cool app.

Oh yeah, another cool thing is that the developers are very interested in any recommendations to improve the product. I've e-mailed the tech support and they were very fast with response and asked for ideas that I might have for updates once I get a feel for using it. He seemed interested in the fact that I planned to use it for Musky fishing too.