View Full Version : Next Year

02-21-2011, 10:14 PM
What ideas are circulating out there about this year based on recent weather patterns? is anything changing?

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
02-24-2011, 08:52 AM
Henrym.h, would you please rephrase your question as I don't think anyone understands what you are asking.


02-26-2011, 03:23 PM
I was just wondering how the tff has been affected in terms of how to fish because of higher water levels due to precipitation trends, higher mean temperatures of 1.5 degrees compared to the last 50 years(causing ice out up to as much as 3 weeks earlier than normal), longer seasons with freeze up occurring later in the year, recent violent weather due to rising temperatures etc.

Don Pemble
02-26-2011, 09:58 PM
WHAT are you asking, yes we had very low water last spring due to way too much water being released to satisify down river needs during the winter months, guess what, same thing is happening right now. What little snow we have remaining surely won't make enough runoff to fill it back to normal. And this 1.5 temp increase in the last 50 years has really made a big impact on the Flowage, all of our seal and polar bear population has migrated north despite the oil pipe line in Alaska. And about all the moisture we had last year that managed to fill the flowage back to normal, look up and give thanks. And about violent storms, the tornado we witnessed last year was only the second one I have witnessed in my 62 years of living in Mercer. As far as how to approach the fishing with high water levels ,my advise is to get a pair of high waders, work the shorelines with a flyrod and popper, enjoy the view and let whatever happens, happens.

Hot Runr Guy
02-27-2011, 07:50 AM
Jeez Don, can't you send a little good news out! I'm sure not looking forward to another low-water May like we had last year.

You won't mind if we pray for snow, for you guys, will 'ya?


02-27-2011, 03:09 PM
Don, I will try what you suggest, thank you. I had no idea the impact was that big.

02-27-2011, 07:20 PM
If ever you want to have some beer, let me know and I'll buy all night. Damn, that was good.

03-02-2011, 09:41 PM
Geez Don you're right. It's been so long I had forgotten about the bears. Of course the seal migration was long overdue, and everyone knew that was coming way back when, after the herring runs dried up. Can't live freshwater fish.

Sad to hear about water being discharged from the dam. I heard the overall depth right now only comes 3/4 of the way to the surface of the lake. That will be tough on the boats and the fishing this summer.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
03-03-2011, 12:27 AM
Having the ice go out on March 31st of 2010 was a record due to a very unusual Spring. I don't think that you will see that this year as the long-term forecast calls for normal to below normal temps through May. Fortunately, they also predict normal precipitation.

No one has the crystal ball to see what this year will hold for water levels.

Now these polar bears and seals that Don Pemble refers to are actually the remains of the Ice Age that Don was around to see! LOL

03-03-2011, 10:42 PM
Thank you for the comments. The last time I had an opportunity to fish the tff goes back over 50 years when I brought my son. I am hoping to get a chance to return this year or next and just wanted a sense of how things may have changed. Never did see polar bears or seals though.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
03-04-2011, 01:09 AM

The reason you don't see the polar bears and seals, much less the penguins, is that a certain retired fishing guide needed something for shore lunches for his clients! LOL

Cabin fever has definitely set in, so I appologize for some of the "tongue in cheek" responses (not mine). Please follow this site as your trip gets closer and you will find some very useful information.

Things have changed in 50 years. The fish are still here, but its not quite as easy as it once was due to the fact that the apparent wood structure is no longer apparent. IMHO

Think Spring!

03-04-2011, 06:13 PM
Never seen the seals or polar bears on the TFF. Their migration north should lead to better fishing. Never caught a walleye that had a weather almanac. More downed wood by shorelines should lead to more forage along shorelines. Find the forage, find the fish. The weather going on when your line is in the water is more important. As far as trends, as you grow older you should be hearing the favorite phrase "Get the net" more often, and "Let's have sXX" less often.

03-05-2011, 09:34 AM
Ain't that the truth waldowilli-truer words have seldom been spoken.It's like forget the ****get outta here and go fishing!!!

Tight lines,Fish

Flambeau dreamer
03-05-2011, 01:39 PM
I've never seen any seals, but a few walrus on swimmers every now and then.

03-06-2011, 11:43 AM
Must be spring fever setting in. Just think, only two months from today we'll be able to talk about how we did on opening day!

03-06-2011, 08:39 PM
Summer of 1958 a family occasion brought us up there. Offered a row boat one early morning, took my son, the memories are wonderful, the fishing was too.Family we were visiting were off the flowage and when I went onto the water I was captivated before I dropped a line. Sounds like the fishing may have changed a bit, but the beauty will still be there I am sure. I hope the cabin fever spoken of susides.

The Frog caster
03-16-2011, 09:02 PM
Hello Henry M.H. ........ Like you, I haven't fished the Flambeau in over 40 yrs. My first time was 1962. That was a thrill for me a boy of 12 yrs. old.
I honestly can't remember a single house, cabin or otherwise on that big beautiful body of water. We started at Popko's resort, and went from there. Stumps, log jams up the wazoo !!! ........ I'm almost certain the Power company owned 90% of the land at that time. It was incredibly wild, and today it's as beautiful as ever. Now county road FF is paved nicely, back in the early sixties it wasn't the case. I prefer smaller bodies of water as they are easier to learn. The flowage is just to intmidating for me....... I wouldn't know where to begin !!!! Lakes like Mercer, Grand Portage, Wilson etc. is where you'll find me. I have a home in Mercer and have enjoyed it's wonderful bounty of nature since 1959. So don't let anyone make you feel like a "newbie" ....... you were one of the lucky ones who fished that gorgeous hunk of water (TFF) when it was REALLY something to see !!!!

Best regards, Larry F. (the frog caster)

Mark Benson
03-17-2011, 10:15 AM
Frog Caster:

Being so close, and all of those great memories, why not start at either Fishermans or Sturgeon landing and start relearning it in small chunks... Take your time when you're out there, I always putter from spot to spot unless I am pretty sure of my surroundings and I know I am still taking a chance then, so I putter more than give 'er.


The Frog caster
03-17-2011, 04:10 PM
Hey Mark ........ I like your attitude "puttering more than give 'er" ...... I'll give it a whirl one of these days. The Flowage to me is like an old girlfriend you once knew, no intentions of ever dating again, but a strange interest arouses every time her name is mentioned !!!! ........ I'll take your advice and challenge that big body of water in small doses. Who knows, maybe one day we'll cross paths. Just look for a full head of grey hair and a cigar, and it just might be me !!!

Best Regards, Larry

Mark Benson
03-17-2011, 05:13 PM

I live in Minocqua and have a friend who just got a job up there and was hoping to spend more time in that direction, but he has been just too busy or I have... I am hoping to learn those other lakes you mentioned a little better as the next year or two progress.

I have a Lund Pro-V in black with a 75 HP Honda tiller if you see me puttering on any of those lakes.


03-19-2011, 12:28 AM
Larry F., Forgive my delay in acknowledging your message. My plan is to retrace fond memories of years past. I plan to visit a number of places I have been that have left an impression for one reason or another. I appreciate your comments and the tff is on my list. It is wonderful to read of your appreciation of what you have. I had just a short, unexpected and wonderful experience there. Have never been back. I did not go far when I went out on the water, but my son and I did catch fish. Just worms, hook and a float. Found this website when looking up information about the area and thought I might elicit a few comments on how things may have changed. I do remember the tree stumps and the freshness of the air. It seemed to be the top of the world. Henry