View Full Version : Tiger Muskies

02-25-2011, 08:42 AM

How many tiger muskies did you catch last season? I usually get 2-3 a year and last year never boated one. Just wondering if you saw the same results.


Corey Meyer

02-25-2011, 06:14 PM
The last one I landed was in 2008. It's been way too long...

02-28-2011, 04:29 PM
Have not caught one since '07... a 34"er. They are beautiful fish, unfortunately they don't reproduce. I would much rather see lots of pure Muskies than tigers looking at it from the ecology side.

Anyone know the stocking numbers on the Flowage? Would be interesting to find out how much natural reproduction is taking place, and the % of frey that make it.

02-28-2011, 11:47 PM
I read in the past few months that each body of water gets a max of 1700 fingerlings no matter the size, might be off a little but it was something like that. A huge place like the Chip gets short changed on the stocking but it does have some good natural reproduction, I know Ty has posted pics of them spawwning and John Dettloff has tracked them too. The density seems down in a way when compared to Mille Lacs or Vermillion but then there is the quality of fishing and somehow I suspect we are missing a population that lives deep, a real untapped resource. Just some musings, Deano

03-01-2011, 11:15 AM
I may be incorrect in saying this . . . . but i believe all the tiger muskies in the chip are naturals, none have ever been stocked. As far as stocking pure strain muskies the DNR does some along with the LCO hatchery and fishing clubs.
I do think natural reproduction on the flowage is somewhat decent by the different year classes of fish we catch each year, but again I am not sure what the DNR's opinion is on this, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn express last night either so I could be "skewed".

Corey Meyer

03-01-2011, 01:37 PM
I got one during the PMTT, 38" great lookin fish, not big enough :P

Ty Sennett
03-03-2011, 01:54 PM
I've been told and read that the maximum number of fish that may be stocked in any Wisconsin lake is 2,500 fish. The reason for that is the great number of muskie lakes in Wisconsin so they want to spread them out evenly. There have been a few years where there was a surplus of fish so the Chip was able to benefit from a more than 2,500 stocking amount. I agree that the Chip could use a few more fish per acre stocking but I also believe there is a much higher population than people think. That being said, I'd love to see it at a per acre population like Lake of the Woods but that's asking a lot. Our local DNR actually has a management plan that is in effect right now to improve the average size on the Chip so hats off to them.

Ty Sennett
03-03-2011, 02:05 PM
Totally forgot what this thread was about...............tiger muskies..........um well lets see.

We had three that I saw that I wrote down as being tigers. I'm guessing I had a few more than that but maybe not. I sometimes forget to write down that it was a tiger when I'm in a hurry. I'm more into the size, lure, weather, and location but I know I should be better about keeping track of everything.