View Full Version : Wet Vehicles ???

03-07-2011, 01:44 PM
What's up with all the vehicles going in this year !!!
What if anything can be done to mark areas without any kind of liability ??

03-07-2011, 05:56 PM
It's pretty much that one spot. In addition to better markings and warning signs on the ice, it'd be good to get daily ice condition updates on this site from people who are out.

Things can change pretty quickly this time of year. I remember last year at the end of the season fishing off Gladstone in 15 inches of solid ice--and exactly one week later the bay blew clear.

03-07-2011, 07:31 PM
i hear ice breaker came through?

The Bait Shop Guy
03-07-2011, 08:04 PM
One suggestion to out-of-towners, (and locals as well,) - don't stay out after dark if you're not familiar with the area, and ESPECIALLY if you don't have a good GPS track to follow!

Story in today's Daily Press http://www.dailypress.net/page/content.detail/id/528945/Anglers-rescued-from-ice.html?nav=5003

Ice breaking operations have begun, but that's only effecting ice conditions south of the Escanaba River.

03-07-2011, 11:24 PM
I was just out at Kipling this evening ice was good coming off the launch site, couple of small puddles just salt off cars going out melting. When going out go STRAIGHT out follow the trail over Butlers island and then straight till you clear the old ice heave about 100 yards then your in the clear to head out or north towards the reefs. STAY AWAY from the North end of Butlers island it is shallow water with currents under the ice that are causing the thin ice and to go thru will set you back around 2500 to 3000 dollars is what I was told TKL charges to remove a vehicle. One last thing when going over Butlers island the road is drifted so if you don't have a 4x4 or higher clearance vehicle you may have problems getting thru and watch the drifts the longer ones can hang you up so bring a shovel just in case. Like Chris said don't stay out after dark unless you have a GPS and mark your trail because it looks alot different after dark and easy to get turned around.

03-09-2011, 08:13 AM
What's up with all the vehicles going in this year !!!
What if anything can be done to mark areas without any kind of liability ??

This year?!? Its every year. Lack of common sense, plain and simple. It's freaking March peeps! I don't care how much "good ice" is at your hole, if you can't get there, you got a problem.

A smarter man than I once told me: fishing is fun. So is swimming. But don't do them together.