View Full Version : Early Walleye Fishing

03-14-2011, 01:17 PM
I haven't done too much Walleye fishing over the years.

I'd love to give it a good go in early spring this year.

What tips do you have for early spring walleye fishing? I'd be bank fishing at this time, but realize this is the best method during this time because they won't hang out in deep water at this time.

What tips do you have? Bait/Lures that work best, colors, hot spots this time of year, color patterns, time of day, anything else...

I was going to try this one spot where a decent creek leads into the Allegheny. I like to fish it right where it enters the river as the flows create a calmer pool. Any input on this? Never really tried Walleye fishing there. Would it be a good idea to fish the creek itself further up?

Thanks for any input or tips.

Red Childress
03-14-2011, 01:26 PM
Find rocks/boulders/submerged ditches or channels and it is likely there will be walleye present anytime. Stickbaits/minnow baits at nite and drifting live minnows/crawlers during the day if fishing from shore.

They can be deep, shallow or anywhere in between depending on their mood. The creek mouth you mentioned sounds like a good spot especially if the incoming water is cooler than the river during the summer months since their preferred temp is 58-70 degrees.

03-14-2011, 05:54 PM
I always like jigs and rapalas shallow at night.
As I consider going out this year I'm not sure I want to fish walleyes out of season with the rivers relying on natural reproduction. Never was a thought in my mind when rivers were stocked and this year I was going to start off vertical jigging for walleyes to catch some deep muskies. Probably won't make much difference since I catch very few walleyes even when I target them.

Red Childress
03-15-2011, 07:03 AM
Last day for the walleye season. Good luck if anyone is lucky enough to find 'fishable' open water.

Red Childress
03-15-2011, 07:17 AM
Since we are on the walleye subject, I pulled up an old thread for you.


I really think these darters can be as good or better than the "riffle minnies" (aka....streamline chub). Just be careful you are not using a threatened/endangered darter for bait. We have several sub-species around here that are on that list. Also, scroll all the way down to the 'Logperch' from the above link. Those are dynamite for Summer/Fall applications cuz they are pretty big and the big fish gobble them up. I also see that the walleye family has recently been changed to Sander.
