View Full Version : Operation Muskie Update

03-17-2011, 02:45 PM
Hi Folks!Well it's time for another periodic update.
First,the Operation Muskie Auction is off and running and,WOW,are there goodies available ranging from tackle to dream vacations.Please check it out.See the 'Sticky' above for site and auction information.
Next,Pam Best our Treasurer assures us that as of today we have restored our PayPal account and now your online payment solution for donations or auction items is again available.
Rods and Reels for the Vets have been obtained and wait until you see what they'll be getting!Sweet is all I'll say for now.Stay tuned for more on this and other parts of the 'Vet package' each Vet will receive upon arrival.
Speaking of the Vets,we are happy to announce we have two female Vets attending this year and we are very excited about that.
Finally there's a bit of good news for all those involved in Operation Muskie.A tired,gruff and difficult old man is retiring as of April 1st.Yep,I'm throwing in the towel and letting others act important for awhile.There is no specific physical or mental reason(although a senility argument could be constructed I suspect),it's just that I feel it's time.The 'Operation' is in good hands and will soar on,higher and better I suspect.My wife Betsy is staying on as Secretary so hopefully I'll have an ear as to whats going on.Not an easy thing to do but I believe the right thing.
Bear with an old man a minute here cause I have a few things I want to say.First words honestly can't express the joy and satisfaction being involved with this 'operation' and all the Vets has given me.Rewards of the heart greater than any medal.
Some 'thank you's' are in order.First Frank and Laura.What can I say beyond thanks.Words don't suffice.Salt of the earth.
Doug J?Well old buddy,'we done good' in my opinion.Thanks much to you and Vonnie!
Bets?As usual,without you I accomplish little.Thanks for always being there.
I get to damn emotional so rather than forget someone let me thank Brett M,Diana K,Pam B,Mike W,Chris G,Jeff W,Scott H,Jake,Deb and her boat the Redhead,ALL the GREAT guides and all others who have donated their time and effort pulling off each and every Op M.
Special thanks to all sponsors,donators,contributors and other supporters-obviously it doesn't happen without you.
Finally and most importantly,THANKS to all Vets-past,present and future.We exist and flourish only because of your service.God I love you.God bless you!
Good fishing and hope to see you all on the water!

03-17-2011, 07:07 PM

03-18-2011, 07:41 PM

Many thanks for your effort and expertise. I'm sure that there a good number of our finest who are still thinking about their trip to the Bay Store and are grateful. Wish we could have done more, as there's lots of Vets out there who are very deserving. I'd like to thank every one of them!

Like you I'm getting a little "long of tooth" and this will be my last year (after this years event) on the board. It's better that we pass this on to folks who can actually remember what it was they where suppose to do.

I'll still try and help as much as possible, and if there's a Vet in the area who wants to do a little muskie fishing please get hold of me. Happy to fish with someone who keeps us free.

Many thanks to all that serve our country!!!!!!!!!!!

Doug Johnson

04-24-2011, 10:58 AM
Well apparently the boss got some report today from Mike Winther on the Auction and funding is now wrapped up and in place for this year.Great news and kudos to Mike and all the donors and purchasers for making this a reality!!!!
Now all thats left is to await the arrival of the Operation itself.Fishing should be good since I see its a period of syzygy and the water and fish will be moving.At least lets hope so!Thanks Mike!!!!

04-25-2011, 11:15 AM
I see its a period of syzygy
wow...had to look that one up.
make sure you include definitions for those kinds of words in Book 2, ok?

as Dick mentioned, we reached our budget target thanks to the donations and bids of a lot of folks. i'm still wrapping up some aspects, including getting all that sweet gear shipped out, but we've already started changing gears into event planning mode. stay tuned to the OperationMuskie.com website for updates in the next few weeks such as bios on the vets and guides!

04-25-2011, 12:48 PM
You're right,forgot who I'm dealing with.:eek:
Try this:http://www.perigee-syzygy.com/about/

Or just google 'spring tides'(which have zilch to do with Spring.)

Or just adopt the mantra of "bulge the tidal bulge'.:)

04-25-2011, 01:23 PM
Geez.... Right there with you Mike. Dick, I didn't know about your side job as the Astrophysicist.
I'm still trying to figure out how someone's ass hanging out a car window effects my fishing...

04-25-2011, 01:51 PM
Close but not quite right.I'm an 'ass-to-fishicists'.You guys just don't appreciate true water movement so just trying to help you out.Go to the website I referenced and you can see it.Heck,Jim you sure should recognize it.The lady in the pic is on my beach,Franks buoy is just out of sight to the right,in the distance you can see the tip of Cyclone Island,and if you look carefully under her right arm pit you can see the red and green buoys out front.
Like the website caption says,'meanderings into mysteries'.Which pretty much sums fishing up.:)

04-25-2011, 02:27 PM
I get it now. Sometimes I just need to look at things a couple times. First time I went to the site I was just looking for some side cleavage under her arm pit. When I saw there wasn't any I just clicked out of the site. But now that I look again...
Basically what I get out of it is, if you have a bolder to throw at it's good. But if you have a bolder, a big rock, and another rock all right in a row, that's even better. Planetarily speaking of course.
Bad news was even the second time I looked, still no side boob.