View Full Version : Spawning

03-18-2011, 12:51 PM
I'm curious about your guys thoughts on the issue that we can now fish all year round for muskies and with the actions and concern of the natural reproduction of the Allegheny why then should we interrupt these fish when they are getting down to business making the little ones. Shouldn't we still leave them be during this time so we don't stress them out with a catch and release possibly interrupting them or do you think they just go right back and continue on with the mating process where they left off ? It used to be this way and other species are out of season for spawning like bass and walleyes. Your thoughts ?

03-18-2011, 06:57 PM
I think that the % of egg that make it to adulthood is very very low. So nature is unable to sustain a fishable population of muskie. So stocking is the main source that keep keeps the fish in any numbers. So we can fish all year with out a major impact on natural reproduction, because those fish that are caught most likey came from a hatchery.