View Full Version : Mike Keyes outdoors this weekend

Ty Sennett
03-25-2011, 09:47 AM
The shoot that we did last fall with Mike Keyes on the Chip will be on tomorrow morning and also the following week. We had some pretty good footage so he broke it down into two episodes. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I didn't say anything stupid but that's asking a lot. For instance, when we filmed with Gregg Thomas last year I boated a big fish with Rachel and turned and shook her hand like I had just met her for the first time...........awkward. That's where the old editing comes in.

03-25-2011, 12:47 PM
Awkward! Too funny! Kind of like when we go out to the bars and throw on Sombreros only to find Razor passed out at the bar.... awkward!!!


Ray Perry
03-25-2011, 01:59 PM
Fidler please tape it for me. Please don't use beta this time seeing as I only have vhs. I will be in Dallas for UWGB womens basketball. Congrats to them making the swet 16!


03-25-2011, 02:06 PM
I will try again but can’t promise anything because it never records onto the beta tape when I shove it in to that VHS machine! Damn technology is so confusing. I also heard they are using something called DVD’s now to record video… next thing you know someone will tell me we landed on the moon!?!?

Paul Schueller
03-25-2011, 02:43 PM
It looks like you can download the episode on the Mike Keyes Outdoors website. I downloaded a zipped file that appears to be a quicktime video. Haven't tried watching it yet though.

Ty Sennett
03-25-2011, 05:42 PM
Ray, that UWGB team sure does well with you assisting you fiance' in coaching them. She'd be lost without you Ray.

Ray Perry
03-25-2011, 06:28 PM
I know, we have all the signs and key words down for the plays. Most people would think my flailing arms and screems are my tourettes. Not true, I'm really calling out plays.

Mark Benson
03-26-2011, 09:28 AM

Good luck to the Lady Phoenix in their tourney run!!! Hoping that we might get a chance to watch/tape that game to watch later... So far I have both the boys and girls H.S. tourney game taped and hope to get caught up a little bit with them now that the mens tourney is down to eight. I was not surprised that UWGB beat Michigan State as I certainly didn't think they were that much better than the Lady Badgers.


Got a chance to see the first part of the show, I have a couple of questions that I would like to ask after I get to watch it in its entireity some time soon. I was leaving for work as you were getting Genson's fish in the boat near the 20 minute mark. The early part was good, didn't sound like you said anything "awkward".


03-26-2011, 09:37 AM

The early part was good, didn't sound like you said anything "awkward".


I'm guessing that you didn't see the commercial with him cuz that was bad, even tho I laughed for about 3 minutes.

Ty maybe you should invest in some acting classes!?

Mark Benson
03-26-2011, 09:58 AM
I'm guessing that you didn't see the commercial with him cuz that was bad, even tho I laughed for about 3 minutes.

Ty maybe you should invest in some acting classes!?

I must have missed that, but I have seen Genson almost fall out the boat several times!!! I will be watching it once I get past this last day of double shifts and will look for it.


Ty Sennett
03-26-2011, 10:07 AM
That commercial is a little ridiculous. Pretty sure I'll be getting some calls from big hollywood directors in the future.......not! My nephews love it at least. I think they watched the youtube version about thirty times last night. All I could hear on the phone was "where did my monster muskies go" in the background.

03-26-2011, 11:28 AM
I just showed my wife the commercial. She said, "that was on TV? He's such a nerd."

Good stuff Ty. Good stuff.

lil man tait
03-26-2011, 05:01 PM
two year old Bethany says" where did my monkey monks go?"

and we have watched it at least 75 times. Never fails to get a laugh. now have it under my favorites.


03-27-2011, 06:02 AM
VERNON COUNTY GIVES THE COMMERCIAL TWO THUMBS UP.....at least there wasn't a dead fish handshake this time around.....

03-27-2011, 08:34 AM
Thought you handled yourself well; did a good job of representing the area and the lake. Commercial was fine; anyone that doesn't appreciate it is just jealous. Fun trying to place your location on the lake; tough when everything looks the same. Looking forward to playing the guessing game next week.

03-27-2011, 12:11 PM
I really enjoyed the show, and the commercial was great comic relief.

Glad you guys put some beautiful fish on camera. It was great to see, even more so as there are so many D-bags on that "One musky forum" that say you can't catch decent fish in Wisconsin.

Looking forward to next week's show !

03-27-2011, 10:04 PM
here is a link to the you tube spot,


Gee Ty, I think you scared them all away, ha ha, good one. Dean

03-27-2011, 10:07 PM
boy Ty, getting that one the site should get me a booking for one day in July, ha ha. Dean

Ty Sennett
03-28-2011, 10:29 AM
Or you should forever be banned from fishing with me. I'm not sure.

Thanks for posting that over the top commercial.

03-30-2011, 06:28 PM
Good show! Did anyone else flinch when they set the hook on those sucker fish?

Ty Sennett
04-01-2011, 08:27 AM
You wouldn't believe the action we had in this next weeks eppisode. At one point we had four muskies to the boat at once. Pretty crazy.

04-04-2011, 08:11 PM
Haven't watched the first episode yet, downloaded, but the second is on one of my favorite lakes. NickL and I were debating each spot and have most figured out, some we never new of or tried. But I guess that's why we mostly only catch those 30" fish like the first one.

Nice show, really like it. Haven't seen this one before, but it's on the DVR now.


Ty Sennett
04-05-2011, 10:56 AM
Glad you liked it. The first part was slow but big fish. The second was fast but smaller fish. We actually had a lot more action than what showed but that's how it usually turns out.

04-05-2011, 08:49 PM
Good show! It's fun to see our area waters on TV. You put them on some nice fish out on the Chip. That last sucker fish was a pig!

I can tell I haven't been up in the area that long. I'm still not sure where part II was filmed. I caught that Steve said something about a chain, which would narrow it down. I know I haven't fished a chain since I moved up here so that would be why nothing looked familiar.

Not huge, but very nicely marked fish out of there.

Nothing akward about the show - funny commercial!


Ty Sennett
04-06-2011, 11:32 AM
Thanks Tucker. We plan on doing a walleye show in May and then another muskie show in november again. Should be fun.

04-06-2011, 05:25 PM
I just watched both episodes and it was great! I haven't been up to the area since 2007. What was the name of the lake in the second episode, I didn't notice you guys mention it, just that it was a chain?

Mark Benson
04-07-2011, 12:11 PM
I just watched both episodes and it was great! I haven't been up to the area since 2007. What was the name of the lake in the second episode, I didn't notice you guys mention it, just that it was a chain?

Can't wait to see the response to this question... :D


04-07-2011, 12:24 PM
Why do you say that?

Is it some kind of big secret?

04-07-2011, 12:59 PM
Muskie fishing is like gold mining, you find a good spot, you don't share it, otherwise you will lose it. You'll be hard pressed to get someone to share a 'secret lake'. But lakes like the Chip, or LOTW, Mille Lacs, Turtle Flowage, whatever are easy to announce on a show, it's huge and nearly impossible to pick the spot based off the background unless they're fishing next to the CC bridge. Smaller lakes though, they're protected honey holes. Nature of the game.


Ty Sennett
04-07-2011, 01:31 PM
Thanks Trav. You summed it up well.

It's not a huge secret but it's not a lake I fish so in respect to Steve Gensen, who does fish this lake and is the reason we fished there, I'd rather just not say.

Not a bad question though. Normally I spill the beans on pretty much everything so don't ever be affraid to ask questions.

04-07-2011, 05:47 PM
I have been musky fishing since I was 12 years old. I have to say the new guys on the block are too secretive! I have always shared my information without worry someone was going to "fish it out". I think it is ridiculous that they wouldn't even name the lake, it sounds as though it would be big enough since it is a chain! Years ago, I always left Herman's Landing letting Dwayne know where I spotted big fish and what I was throwing and Dwayne always shared information with me, when I arrived. Same goes for Jeff and Jason over at Tiger Musky.

BTW, I wasn't planning on coming up this year haven't been able to afford it with 3 kids in college and now my wife lost her job. I do regularly fish Delavan and have fun with the Pike. I regularly share my information with three guides out there and they share their information with me as well.

If musky fishing is improving so much as Steve said on the show, what's the worry?

04-07-2011, 08:49 PM
Funny, The last few years, Keyes got alot of crap for telling exactly where they were fishing on their shows. He can't win.

Ray Perry
04-07-2011, 08:53 PM
Some people on the musky boards don't take to well to naming there favorite little lakes on tv or message boards. On Tys site people are really nice but if you had posted that question on a different board Mark is right in that there would be some interesting responses.


04-07-2011, 09:09 PM
I think just about anyone on here would tell you the lake if they were next to you face to face (leaving Herman's, Pastikas or otherwise) but to announce it on TV or a message board where information is so readily consumed, passed on and amplified, all that does is increase traffic on a nice, quiet, small lake that doesn't need it. And this forum is much nicer than many others. No one is keeping a secret, just not stepping on toes either.

Ty Sennett
04-08-2011, 06:42 AM
Like I said, I didn't name the lake out of respect for the person that took me there. I'd expect the same from a friend of mine. Pretty easy to grasp.

lil man tait
04-10-2011, 04:59 PM
Ty and the Keyes group.....Nice show!! Well done on the teaching points. I also loved the underwater footage.

oh, and..."Where did my monster muskies go?"

still laughing

04-10-2011, 09:20 PM
I liked the long sleeve tee shirt. "Hurley". Nice. hahaha

Ty Sennett
04-11-2011, 11:43 AM
I've never been much of a fan of the big gaudy Ranger shirts Robert. I'll leave those for the nascar drivers.