View Full Version : Current Water Level

Nick Kanauz
04-08-2011, 11:37 AM
In case anyone who likes their lower units is interested, the Flowage level as of yesterday was 1568.35. Hope you get some rain up there before the opener! Best fishes anyway!

St Croix Kid
04-11-2011, 12:37 PM
a very wise man told me this year... "if the flowage is low, we go very slow"

looks like a couple of storms blew thru there last night. get any significant rain?

Don Pemble
04-11-2011, 03:01 PM
I took a ride to Fisherman's Landing this AM and the level looked to be up a foot or so compared to what it was a couple of weeks ago. All the stumps that were sticking out are now underwater and the shoreline is open about ten yards out. Not sure on the amount of rain we received from last nights storm, but the rivers and streams are full and more rain is predicted for the up coming days.

Nick Kanauz
04-12-2011, 08:17 AM
Excel had the level up to 1568.96 and discharge at the dam is 314 cfs. Thats up just over a half inch since last week, as of 4/11/11.

04-12-2011, 10:26 PM
The reduction in outflow was very noticeable downstream in Park Falls on my last couple trips. The Chippewa along Hwy. 70 was the same situation - high flows this winter and very low in recent weeks. I think that with all the snow further south, they were probably trying to make sure they had room to hold back water in the north this spring to avoid adding to the flooding downstream.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-12-2011, 10:41 PM
Nick, The water level has actually come up .80 feet since your post on Friday, April 8th, 2011, which translates to 9.6 inches. This is definitely a good thing!

Nick Kanauz
04-13-2011, 12:44 AM
You're right Scott misfigured my decimals! Guess that starts happening after you turn 61~

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-14-2011, 08:42 AM
Water level has now come up one foot since April 7, 2011. As of April 13, 2011 the level is 1569.34 with 23 days until the fishing opener.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-20-2011, 12:45 PM
The water level is now at 1570.25, which is 1.75 feet below full pool. It was about 3.5 feet below full pool last year for the opener.

We are presently receiving a rain/snow mix with rain predicted for Friday and Saturday, so it should keeping coming up.

17 days to the Opener!

Hot Runr Guy
04-20-2011, 02:11 PM
Scott, my lower unit thanks you!


04-20-2011, 08:22 PM
the amount of rain is great and we hope it keeps coming but how much are they going to let out is the key and with the bad storm you had last fall are there a lot of trees on the edge of and in the water.and we didnt here about any gribs going in over the winter .my thought are this more structure of all kinds are needed ,try some sort of slot limits on the fishing , better control of water levels the days of 12 inch perch are gone but the flowage can be turned around each year we here about how many fish the tribes get and it is something we have to deal with .but lets say for every fish you harvest you release a stick,log or branch [dead wood is good wood ] im not saying cut the timber but if its dead wood today it could be a log jam soon. with the underwater cameras and new sidefinding depthfinders the flowage is looking more like a desert . and you cant grow fish in a desert .so when i pitch a log for my lab to retrieve and he dont bring it back i guess we started to do are part. as you can tell i have a little cabin fever and will be up there in may .the ring of a cell phone ,152 channels of cable . but the cry of a loon with the hum of a four stroke .PRICELESS to all and enjoy SS612

Don Pemble
04-20-2011, 09:53 PM
WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? Slot limits, my GOD we are only allowed 2 walleyes. Give me a break and all other fishermen and women who like to take a meal of fish home with them, we already have a 10 fish bag limit on panfish with a 10 inch minimum on crappie. Perch and bluegills are very abundant, and very hefty ones at that, but you have to do your homework and search for them. You don't need side imaging or cameras to help you out on this one, work the shoreline timber and weeds, especially after ice out and as the water temps warm up, you will find them in these areas. As far as timber and log jams go, there is still plenty of timber out there, it's just that you can't visibly see it, it just so happens to be on the bottom. The majority of the driftwood that made up the log jams were removed years ago for lawn decorations, taxidermists, or just became waterlogged and sank, not to mention the tons of it that have been used up for camp fires thru the years. The amount of cribs that have been placed out there in the past several years along with the blow down from last years tornado will no doubt give cover to several thousand fish of all species. If you want to see more 12 inch perch, then you should release the 10 and 11 inchers that you may catch, please don't push your will on some family that is up here on a 1 or 2 week vacation that wants to go back to their cabin and have a fish fry. As far as bag limits go, lets go a little further with this one, why is it that with the abundance of smallmouth in the TFF and the Gile Flowage, which by the way, you hear very little about the Gile which is 15 miles north of Mercer, we have a 2 bag limit on both bodies of water, yet you go to other inland lakes in the area, or other areas in the state and you will find much more (liberal) size and bag limits (5) on many different bodies of water that have far less bass per acre than what our local flowages have. We have no control over the DNR limits, water levels or what the tribes may do, so lets just go fishing and have a good time.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-20-2011, 11:28 PM
Don't go sugar coating it for us Don, but go easy on your heart! LOL

04-21-2011, 08:51 AM
Water level is at 1570.25 and rising. Full pool is 1572.That's good news. This is as of yesterday 4-20-11. Only 16 days and we'll be experiencing the beautiful TFF AGAIN. Good luck everyone and have fun.

04-21-2011, 12:04 PM
I have to agree with Pemble on this one, we are already overregulated! What is this, if it isn't broke fix it anyway?? Pretty soon fishing in this state will turn into what hunting has turned into(a joke), because of constant regulations and changes! What happened to the good old days when you could just go out and fish and enjoy yourself without having to hire an attorney to help you figure out what you can and can't do? Personally I'm sick of the direction our outdoor recreation is headed, and I'm glad at least we have an advocate in Pemble who isn't afraid to speak out on behalf of the way most fisherman feel!

04-21-2011, 07:06 PM
Don don don ,thanks for the reply but ouch .but thats ok i can take .ok slot limits are a stretch but at least put a size limit on the walleyes when i go to clean my catch at the fish house at the resort and i look in the can and i see a walleye the size of a perch [id like a fillet not a potato chip thanks ] and if thats what a group of guys like well so be it. now why are the gribs a big secret when you were my guide we fished them [yes don you were my guide some years back] and let me say to all it was money well spent. now about the tornado that hit last fall i feel bad for all who were hurt and had losses due to the storm .it seems to me that the smallmouth have taken over and let me say they are a blast. but its harder to see a24 inch walleye today like in the past my first trip was when i was 13 im 47 now [man time flys ] we stayed at the shady rest with mary downy . what a tuff old girl .but times have changed and i would like to see the jewel of the flowage shine again . when i think back on times and how many newbees i have towed in [from lower unit loss] i hope that 1 day i can retire on the flowage .and have a fish fry on any day of the week .sportsman need to be more pro active and we all have a voice [let it be heard] . wheather its walleye perch musky bass or even the northerns that some dont like let a kid hook into a head shaker priceless and Don we will be up in the end of may and i would truly like to hook up and have a drink together [ i hope i didnt put you to sleep SS612]

St Croix Kid
04-21-2011, 08:59 PM
All I can say is it will be a pleasure to spend another opening day with you, my friend. Keep the faith and keep fighting the good fight.

Don Pemble
04-22-2011, 06:40 AM
When I mentioned that you didn't need side imaging or cameras to locate the wood or structure, I was referring to shoreline wood and weeds which are pretty much visible. Do you need it to find the cribs, yes sir, we all do.

As far as a minimum size limit on the walleye compared to a slot size, if we were faced with a choice, I'd go the route of minimum, set it at 14 and let's go fishing.

You mentioned that it's hard to find them 24 inchers, you got that right, especially during the open water season. Come hardwater season and you find them all over, you can check with the results of the two ice fishing tourneys they hold out there each winter, it's like, where did they all come from?

Would love to set down and have a few cold ones with you at Donner's Bay or wherever you decide to stop, just need your name so I know who I'm looking for. Send me an e-mail and we'll hook up.


04-23-2011, 09:19 PM
I caught at least 2 dozen 12" perch last summer on the TFF, and one 13.75" which is on the wall. I also saw similar fish in other livewells, so it's not just me. Interestingly enough, none of these quality fish came from cribs - I did poorly on cribs last year and so I kept searching until I found them, sometimes this might be the 47th stump you've tried that day and it seems no different than all the rest..... but there they are. As for the walleyes, we all know what the gorilla in the room is, and the gorilla has a lawyer.

04-25-2011, 07:53 PM
Don i dont get to donners bay much we stay at lakeview we do get into town for dinner a couple times the week we are up there witch sport shop do you hang out at and do you have the same green boat would truly like to hook up and have a few, will still be looking for the reports on here because its like having friends up north even if we get up there a few times a tear we will hit you back with an e- mail when it gets closer to our trip , we hope you all have a good opener the weather man said we are 2 weeks behind in our weather will be waiting for the reports good fishing SS612

Don Pemble
04-26-2011, 06:37 AM
Don i dont get to donners bay much we stay at lakeview we do get into town for dinner a couple times the week we are up there witch sport shop do you hang out at and do you have the same green boat would truly like to hook up and have a few, will still be looking for the reports on here because its like having friends up north even if we get up there a few times a tear we will hit you back with an e- mail when it gets closer to our trip , we hope you all have a good opener the weather man said we are 2 weeks behind in our weather will be waiting for the reports good fishing SS612


I work out of Flambeau Flowage Sports in Mercer, and I now run a Blue Mirro Craft with a 115 Evinrude E-tec. Let me know when your going to be in town and we'll meet up.


Black Tuffy
04-26-2011, 10:10 AM
Hi Don

Sounds like you will be out fishing again this year...it was great to finally meet you and your wife a couple of years ago at Donners Bay. We will be up this year...May 7 - 14. Hope to see you on the water and have a couple of beers with you.

Watch out for that Black Tuffy...he likes to sneak around.

Here's to great times
Rich and Cher

Nick Kanauz
04-26-2011, 11:15 AM
About 16" to go till full pool as of yesterday! Looks like those stumps you found last year will be well below you this year HRG!

Mark Benson
04-26-2011, 11:55 AM
About 16" to go till full pool as of yesterday! Looks like those stumps you found last year will be well below you this year HRG!

...and if we pick up 1/2" to 3/4" of rain predicted, we're going to be a lot closer as well!!! And its been raining since I left for work this a.m. at 8:30. Only sunny day this week is Friday, otherwise rain predicted til early next week.


St Croix Kid
04-26-2011, 02:16 PM
if you get 1/2 the rain we are getting in Hudson today it will be full or above.
the Croix was just fixin to go under slow-no wake level.. not any more! add that to the fact that most of the launches will be unusable makes for a very crummy St Croix opener on 4/30..

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-26-2011, 02:32 PM
Well the rain just changed over to snow outside my office in Park Falls. I know it will still add to the water level, but I am just tired of the white stuff and got spoiled by last April's weather.

Excel Energy updated TFF water level today to 1570.88 or about 13.5 inches below full pool.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-28-2011, 12:53 PM
I'm getting real tired of this snow. Water level is now up to 1571.2 so about 9.5" below full pool per Excel Energy. Rain is predicted for the weekend, so there should be no problems with navigation for opening weekend.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
05-01-2011, 09:38 PM
Well the TFF is basically full. I talked to Shane at The Midway, who is one of the dam tenders, and he told me that ExCel has asked for the dam gates to be opened. He also told me that we now have the perfect water level in the Flambeau River for the river trips.

If you have never done the river trip, now is the time. It is an entire pristine shoreline with fish that are rarely fished during the year, especially the last three years when water levels were low. Contact Shane at Midway about the trip at 715-769-3680 or www.midwayflambeauriver.com

05-02-2011, 07:46 PM
That is a very scenic trip, but I would advise that you get your total cost set in writing before going, because I went on this last year, and what I thought I was to pay, and what I ended up paying were two different things. I was not a happy camper!

St Croix Kid
05-03-2011, 03:43 AM
I've never experienced that before.

05-03-2011, 08:27 PM
I'm glad to hear you had a positive experience, I wish I had.

05-04-2011, 08:47 AM
As of 5/3, 1571.55 feet!
