View Full Version : Interesting piece on Cathy Stepp and the DNR

04-17-2011, 08:34 PM
A friend who recently retired from the DNR sent me this - it's from a program produced by a TV station in Eau Claire. It runs just under 20 minutes total. There are at least two sides to every story, but this paints a pretty depressing picture...

Part 1: http://www.wqow.com/Global/category.asp?C=183584

Part 2: http://www.wqow.com/Global/category.asp?C=183584

Part 3: http://www.wqow.com/Global/category.asp?C=183584

04-18-2011, 06:19 AM
I'm seeing a story about sturgeon. Is there something about Stepp in there, or this this the wrong link?

04-18-2011, 05:06 PM
Farther down page under outdoor news and issues

04-18-2011, 05:51 PM
Here is the short version, and pay attention very closely to the last paragraph. This is not a good thing for a state that prides itself on its outdoor environment.


04-19-2011, 12:39 PM
So she’s not an environmentalist wacko. Are you saying that you would rather have an environmentalist wacko running the DNR?

04-19-2011, 06:25 PM
Scroll down to the "Outdoor News and Issues" section and watch the clips titled "Resources Crossroad" pt. 1-3.

04-20-2011, 09:31 PM
I listened to some propaganda, produced by people with an agenda..

Specifically, what has Stepp done so far, in her new role, that people find objectionable?

05-17-2011, 06:41 AM
I listened to some propaganda, produced by people with an agenda..

Specifically, what has Stepp done so far, in her new role, that people find objectionable?

I'm thinking you and "Freak" are standing on the tracks, but you don't hear the train coming...

05-17-2011, 09:00 AM
Freak, nobody wants an environmentalist wacko running the DNR. What we do want is a natural resources professional. Clearly Stepp's resume falls short of that.

Mark Benson
05-17-2011, 10:06 AM
I am somewhat skeptical of Stepp, however if her management style allows her to utilize our best biologists, biochemists, etc. to streamline and cut waste, then I am hopeful.

I am concerned that some of our most experienced people are leaving, however that may be a function of Walker and public unions... Certainly her negotiation of the most recent tribal fishing rights left something to be desired, but I hear there are more negotiations to come in that regard. Her background as a developer makes me wonder about her agenda... Lots of things from both sides to consider.

I have said it once and will say it again, take the politics out of our DNR!!!


the other andy
05-17-2011, 11:09 AM
A few things about her first few months that have me nervous: Her negotiations with the Tribes allowed them to have their cake and eat it too, paying them for keeping the limit at 3 while they harvest enough to bring the limit to 2. Then she takes credit for the 3 walleye bag limit on the Willow when she had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Also there's been a lot of talk about streamlining environmental permits for businesses operating here. I may be cynical but what that means to me is allowing businesses to operate how they please without proper inspection by the DNR of their environmental impacts. I hope I'm wrong about that.

05-17-2011, 02:14 PM
A few things about her first few months that have me nervous: Her negotiations with the Tribes allowed them to have their cake and eat it too, paying them for keeping the limit at 3 while they harvest enough to bring the limit to 2. Then she takes credit for the 3 walleye bag limit on the Willow when she had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Also there's been a lot of talk about streamlining environmental permits for businesses operating here. I may be cynical but what that means to me is allowing businesses to operate how they please without proper inspection by the DNR of their environmental impacts. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Unfortunately, you are probably right as rain. It would raise my eyebrows when anyone takes over a specialized area of government that deals with the environment and as a result a fair amount of scientist and then brings in people with no expertise nor knowledge in that area. That's akin to running a computer company with a bunch of illiterates.

Of course the comparison that is probably MORE fitting in this case involves henhouse security a provided by the local fox population.

There is a lot of regulation that seems overly complex in DNR building and shore and wetland regulation, but the unfortunate side of this is that the regs have to cover not only the simple but also the very complex issues. You can see the breakdown of the regs quickly just viewing the TFF and it really can get to be an issue in short order with butthead landowners and lake associations.

Away from the lake but an issue for the river could be the return of mining permits up there. Those are the kind of things I want to see regulated. Sick of corporations getting free lunch on us, and our future generations.

05-21-2011, 06:12 AM
Clearly Stepp is not qualified to lead the DNR. It is evidenced by the fact that she appointed Milwaukee attorney and former executive director of the Metropolitan Builders of Greater Milwaukee, Matt Moroney as her Deputy Secretary. In addition, Gov. Walker was quoted by the Wisconsin State Journal when asked to comment on Stepp's appointment as saying...I wanted someone with a Chamber of Commerce mentality. Great huh? This is like putting Lindsay Lohan in charge of a rehab center.

05-22-2011, 05:44 PM

What, specifically, has she done in her new role that anyone here objects to to this point?