View Full Version : Places to stay near Meadville

04-21-2011, 10:15 AM
Do you guys have any reccomendations for places to stay in that area. Ideally I'd like to find cabins or cottage type rental. Otherwise I guess I'll just have to go the normal hotel/motel route. Thanks for any info.


04-21-2011, 11:29 AM
If you're fishing Pymie, there are some rental cabins right on the lake I've stayed at. If not, that bit of information won't help you a bit.

04-21-2011, 02:24 PM
Jay, I may be able to help you out, got a guy who rents a cabin for pretty cheap and it is just outside of meadville. It all depends on when you are going to be there.... He is a guide and is full up during turkey season. The good news is that he lives RIGHT on cussewago so after a long day of fishing, you can grab a bite, maby a nap, and walk down and fish some more. PM me with some ideas on dates and I will try to find his number.

Take care,


04-21-2011, 07:43 PM

Thanks, I did see that they have cabins there. I am hoping to try Pymie for the first time while I am out there. However, those cabins look they are tough to get. From what I saw, they were pretty much booked. However, thats good info to have for next years planning. :)


I'll be droppin you a pm shortly