View Full Version : Water Temps

Carl P
04-24-2011, 06:46 AM
We were out on the flowage yesterday for a little look around and even less fishing. Water in the main lake areas on the East side was about 41 and the shallow back bays were about 44. Did not find any panfish moving in there yet but a few sunny days should change that. The DNR is conducting a spring survey as we saw alot of fyke nets in various areas and even got to watch them pull a few out of one of the nets. I'm hoping for a few warm days to get the panfish moving.

04-24-2011, 02:10 PM
Hi Carl,

Thanks for that report. Had a baby shower and with Easter and all, did nor get a chance to get out. Were the DNR guys removing Walleyes from the nets? They must have been full of spawn yet? The Walleyes spawn between 43 and 48 degrees, so they should be close to being in full swing of spawning right now.

The DNR is going to conduct a creel survey this year, so we can expect to see their clerks at the landings all season. Weather forecast is for warmer weather this week, so hopefully, next weekend will be some decent panfishing. I'll be on the water Sat. and Sunday.


Carl P
04-25-2011, 06:28 AM
We did not get too close but I could see what looked like decent sized walleyes in the dip net that they were removing them with. It looked like the nets were strategically placed in shallower bottle neck type areas. Hopefully they can gain the information they need to make some changes and help restore the walleye fishery. I'll be out on the east side on Sat. and Sun. also.

04-27-2011, 11:32 AM
Hi everyone,

Doesn't look like the best weather forecast for this weekend, but I'll be on the water Sat. afternoon and Sunday. Do some panfishing, but more exploring to see what water temps are and ETC. If you see me, stop and chat.
