View Full Version : Sportmans Flea Market Rummage Sale

04-26-2011, 02:05 PM
This is it! Time is running out to reserve your space for the sale! Gather up your goods, whatever it might be--yard, garden, tools, auto parts, outgrown and no longer used sporting goods, etc., etc., etc. Not enough stuff of your own? Team up with a friend and share a table. $20.00 per table and $5.00 for items to large for a table. For instance, lawn mowers, campers, trailers, cars, boats, four wheelers, tents, golf carts, etc. etc. etc. You got it-bring it to sell. Your $20.00 fee includes admission into the outdoor expo being held at the same time. Turn-out should be outstanding!!!!!!!!! Only one day-April 30th. Set up at 8:00 a.m. est - show runs from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m. For any further information, contact Bill at 906-396-4001, Jeff at 906-786-9171, or Chris at Bay View Bait and Tackle, 906-786-1488.

The Bait Shop Guy
04-30-2011, 06:08 AM
There's still room for anyone looking to sell their used sporting equipment. No problem setting up anytime during the sale, (I'm not sure if they have people setting up in the Ruth Butler building, or under the Grandstands.)

05-01-2011, 04:10 PM
I understand this weekend's show (the overall outdoor show itself) is a fundraiser and the money goes toward a great cause, but I also know attendance was way down and I think it was because of the entry fee. $5 a pop for adults to get in--each day, mind you--is not smart business in this economy. There are a hundred ways to get that money back once people are inside the gate--and in such a way that people would feel good about it.

I personally paid the fee and didn't mind; but I heard a lot--a lot of complaints about it and I heard from quite a few people who didn't bother going because of the perceived high entry fee.

For those putting hard work into this worthy cause, there's some food for thought for you when planning for next time.

05-01-2011, 09:06 PM
I believe that you heard it. But, really, people...$5 is too expensive? Come on.

05-01-2011, 11:58 PM
I agree. I went. Twice. Had a great time. Just pointing out reality: the numbers were low this weekend. There was talk of the entry fee being partly responsible (especially from families). Certainly no scientific poll or anything was used here.

Maybe no one needs to change a thing.


It's a great event. I'd tell anyone who didn't go they missed out on a great show.

05-02-2011, 11:38 AM
Weather sure didn't help, either. Mother nature is making us wait for it this year. Hopefully good things come to those who wait. These cold temps will not help alewive recruitment at all.