View Full Version : Nightime fishing @2:00 A.M.

The Frog caster
04-28-2011, 09:22 PM
Last August (2010) while at my place on Mercer lake I had a strange experience. I'm sure my story can be topped, but here goes anyway.......... It was really warm that August night and I couldn't sleep, as my mind raced back and forth thinking about those muskies I'de be snagging in the morning. After lying in bed tossing and turning not being able to sleep, I decided to get up and go outside. My watch read 1:50 a.m. A quick pit stop, then to the garage to fetch my rod and reel and the bait of choice, a (jitterbug) as I like the gurgle sound it makes in the calm and quiet of a nice summer night. Anyhow ........ I quietly tip-toed to the end of my dock and after several casts and several puffs on that nasty cigar I had the strangest thing happen to me. I reared back to make another cast, and just as the rod tip flexed a huge, and I mean huge white owl (I think it was an owl) came out of nowhere and missed my head by several feet and grabbed that "jitterbug" flying away at full speed. I'm guessing I had 200 yards of line and that giant bird took every bit of it. I was sure I hooked it....... I pulled as hard as I could watching my St. Croix rod nearly bend in half as I tried to subdue that giant flying thing !! After flying the distance the huge owl, or whatever it was let it go in the trees and I was able to get my "jitterbug back ...... whew !!! Needless to say I must have looked like a damn fool at that hour smoking a cigar in my underwear, nearly catching a huge white owl .......... oh, I forgot to mention the lure was hung up in the trees, I jerked the pole so hard the darn lure nearly hit me in the forehead @!@! ........... NEXT TIME I'LL WAIT TILL MORNING !!!!! Regards, Larry F.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-28-2011, 11:27 PM
And that boys and girls is how they became named "White Owl Cigars"! Bah Bum Bum Bum

Nick Kanauz
04-29-2011, 01:01 AM
Okay Frog...It's 1975...my buddy Dale and I are Bass fishing over on LLL in Hayward. We were using tiny torpedo's, and tearing them up. I cast out toward a moonlit log, waited a second, jerked the bait...it sputtered and splattered. A huge silver shape swooped off the hillside, down to the water, grabbed my bait and flew off with it. Dale dang near jumped out of the boat when I leaned back to get my lure back and jerked a huge heron almost into the boat! It let go of the lure and it missed Dale's ear by a whisker! After a few nasty words, Dale not so nicely suggested we head back to the cabin, where he proceeded to have a few brews and vowed never to night fish with me again. Got kinda lonely the rest of the week fishing by myself! True Story!

04-29-2011, 07:50 AM
Good one scott!!!

04-29-2011, 08:07 AM
Growing up on the Lake Michigan shoreline, watching people accidentally hook gulls used to be a pretty common sight. They loved anything shiny, which included just about everything shore fishermen threw at trout and salmon in those days. My fishing buddies and I only had it happen once, but unhooking an ornery gull is not a fun task.

But the funniest thing I ever saw was on the West Twin River below the Shoto dam. A steelhead fisherman was making a cast right under the bridge when a low (and very fast) flying duck collided with his lure and got snagged. The guy engaged his bail almost immediately, and his drag just screamed as the duck took out about 100 feet of line before cartwheeling into the river, simultaneously breaking the guy's rod and yanking it out of his hands into the river...

The Frog caster
04-29-2011, 02:19 PM
Somehow I knew you guys would top my story, or at least try. Us fishemen are notorious liars (at least the non fishing public think so) !!!! I really hope this thread is used by many to share their stories with us.. Some of the threads and topics lately are getting very political ............ Anyhow, let's hear your stories (no flowering please) as I'm sure there are plenty of "Duzie's" out there....... Regards, Larry F.

Mark Benson
04-29-2011, 04:40 PM
And that boys and girls is how they became named "White Owl Cigars"! Bah Bum Bum Bum

Scott, that's what I was thinking right away!!!
