View Full Version : Any thoughs on Tamerack in May?

05-02-2011, 10:40 AM
Anyone out there have any tips or thoughts on how to approach Tamerack in early May?Is it worth it, shallow or "deep" I live less than 10 min form this lake and honest to god I have never gotten a fish out of there or even had a follow (not exactly clear water though). I know they are in there, I have seen the game commish release them back after they trapped them.... I am not a lake fisherman and I am pretty much lost!

Thanks gentlemen,


Red Childress
05-02-2011, 10:44 AM

Maybe try the search feature at the top of this page. We have had a thread or two dealing with Tamarack over the last couple of years that might be helpful.

05-02-2011, 11:48 AM
I have only fished there once (1.5 days) since it was drained. That was in late April of 2007 when we were waiting for our new boat to be delivered. I was surprised by the size of the fish I contacted that day. Saturday I caught a 40, 41, and 45 and saw two more fish that were mid to upper 40's. One was very close to 50. I had all my action that day on gliders and didn't even have a depth finder in the little boat we fished out of but I thought the whole lake was shallow. Caught two on a Hughes River and one on a Tuff Shad glider. Both baits had at least some orange in them. The next day I never saw a fish. The day I caught the fish was kind of crappy and overcast. The next day with no action was nice and sunny. Don't know if that will help any but good luck.

05-02-2011, 08:40 PM
Jacob, Like I told you before, living only ten minutes away from there you should be on a first name basis with every fish in there! LOL! Why don't you devote a summer to that lake and figure it out! Time on the water is key!!!!! I bet you can boat at least 40 to 50 fish from now till ice up! You have a great numbers Lake there! Take advantage of it!;)


05-03-2011, 07:58 AM
Ive been on this lake about 5 times these past few weeks without a fish in the boat, but im getting closer. Heres what ive found from current conditions:

- Most of my follows/near misses have been from the second boat launch (from the east) towards the west side of the lake. The east dam end has less structure, and less fish, atleast in current conditions.

- Fish the middle of the lake and the shore line, theyre all over.

- Yellow and orange baits seem to attract more fish.

- Bucktails are the easiest/most productive lures to throw, considering the stumps, plus they seem to produce the most reactions.

- Lastly, fish both sunny and rainly/overcast days. If anything, more action has came on uglier days, but thats hard to say considering we only get one nice day at best per week around here.

If ya need any help, just let me know I live about 15 minutes from the lake Ill be happy to help ya or if you need a fishing partner, but im not an expert haha. This is my second year with the musky bug.

05-05-2011, 06:32 PM
We all know about feeding windows and muskies! Like I said above, "Time on the water is key" You living that close, you should be in your boat with every approaching storm front and Moon phases that you can!!!!! If you put the time in, you will catch those feeding windows and put fish in the boat! I would almost guarantee it! I told you what bucktail to throw and it has all the colors that the other gentleman mentioned! Also, you have to boost that confidence level. It will make you a better fishermen! Fish every cast like a 50 incher followed your lure the cast before! Put the time in and you will soon be known as "The Meadville Muskie Master"! LOL! Good luck!;) I forgot to mention, fish the banks that the wind is blowing towards. (cast with the wind to your back) I've always done well following this wind pattern!


06-06-2011, 02:35 PM
This Lake is one of the best lakes for numbers in P.A hands down .In 2009 I set off the get the scoop on this lake .I fished primarly June and July at least once a week form daylight til 12 or 1 all I could take of the heat .Fish commission I talked to on a weekly basis it seemed ,they told me that if I recall that they recorded catches by only boats they check in the month of June was 75 that's only on days they were there and boats they check .I did very well them 2 months throwing mostly bucktails ,I came to a ratio of 1 to 2 fish per 5 hours of fishing and this is casting not trolling and with a average length caught being 38 to 40 inches .The lake did produce 1 fish hitting 46 inches in late june, but fish commission said out of them 75 2 48inch fish and 1 50 inch fish.In July 2009 on a single day produced 7 fish in 7 hours with 3 people in the boat I caught 5 and 1 a piece each of the passengers all bucktails with 2 more getting off the hook.In 2010 in July I returned with 1 other in the boat I caught 4 fish in 1 hour with passenger hooking and loosing one this time it was 1 hour before dark and fish slot size was 30 to 38 which tells me after 2 years of close detail that it has a healthy stable upbringing. They also feel that the population is so good in this lake that they net and transport muskies almost every year to nearby lakes to kick start them or to give them a boost they say,closest lake is sugar Lake which there taken to also.This lake is on my hit list Its also not corrupted by pleasure boats being electric only.Love it...