View Full Version : Slow bite?

05-02-2011, 07:50 PM
Hey Ty:

Have you been out fishing for Crappie or Perch lately? A few of us are heading up next week for the Walleye opener, and probably some Crappies, too. A few sites have been reporting that things are *slow* due to the water temps still being pretty cool. Just wondering if that's been your experience?

Ty Sennett
05-05-2011, 12:31 PM
I went out yesterday for an hour or two to rfigure out a graph that I sold to my buddy. We had water temps from 47 to 53 degrees. I would expect the crappie to be starting to move shallow this weekend. We did see a few crappie shallow already but not in droves yet. The main lake was at 47 or 48 and the back bays were the areas where we saw the low fifties for temps. I would try just outside the spawning areas first.